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Everything posted by DanCharn

  1. Hi lee, Thanks for your quick response. However i am disappointed to see that you've basically cast aside the issue of the price rise. This does have legal backing via the link i provided and i do hope that you will consider this issue before the need for any independent parties getting involved EG: Ofcom & Otello. I didnt mention it before but im sure you are aware that ofcom are infact investigating yourselves, among others, in regards to these mid-contract price increases. I would appreciate a speedy resolution to this issue.
  2. Hi all, I have been with Vodafone since february 2012 on an 24mth contract. Quick intro to the issue at hand is that Vodafone put their charges up in november i believe and broke the terms of my contract. I agreed to pay £19.50 a month for 24months but i am now paying nearly £21. I know this isnt a big change but seeing as this is not what i agreed to, i want to end the contract. Now i know Vodafone will try to say that in their terms and conditions it states that they are allowed to up the charges providing it is under 10% however i would like to point out that this term in the contract is unfair and does indeed allow me to cancel my contract. I would like to draw your attention to the following Legal website, legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1999/2083/contents/made There are many parts of this that apply, both indirectly and directly, so please do take note when reading. Now my other two issues are that i have been having intermittent (not working more then working) problems with the signal in my area, even thou i am supposed to have very good signal here, and that the blackberry services have not been working unless i am on my home wireless connection. Another reason why i am asking for a cancellation. I have been told no by customer services already, even after pointing out the relevant laws applicable to my complaint and that if OFCOM or OTELLO were to get involved then a fine could be issued that would cost more then the rest of my contract. Seeing as these laws are applicable, because they are statutory rights Vodafone's T&C's cannot breach these but they do. If Lee does pick this up i have sent an email already with my details and have the reference of 10864623. I hope this matter can be resolved ASAP.
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