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Everything posted by moisessilva

  1. One solicitor said I should stop paying the bill which I did.They supposedly black listed this phone as I never received yet they insist I pay for it.I just want my I Phone! Arghhh ....
  2. So I got in touch with the Ombudsman and emailed 3's Executive office.One month later I receive a phone call from the Executive Office to say that DPD have confirmed to them that the phone had been delivered to my address...this is never ending,they don't believe me the customer...What to do now?
  3. They claim that I signed for this parcel when I didn't,I feel like it's me against DPD and 3 Mobile.Is it worth taking them to court over it?The driver states he delivered it at my address and 3 mobile have already believed him!
  4. Thank you so much fro the reply and tips!I'll email watchdog and get onto the Citizens Advice too.Good luck!Let's get these issues sorted ASAP!!!
  5. Oh my goodness...I'm not the only person frustrated by the service from 3 Mobile and DPD!My issue has been ongoing since 8th August,ordered an IPhone 4S over the phone,received no confirmation from 3 Mobile and when I rang to check if my phone was coming they said it had been delivered and signed for by myself!!I have sent many emails,have wasted my time many times with phone calls and got nowhere. 3 investigated and said I was lying and the drive was telling the truth.I was at home at the time they claimed to have delivered it so where is my phone?They are charging me,and are not doing anything to solve the issue.Not sure what to do anymore.
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