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Everything posted by zytno

  1. Thank you. Will go through it and see what i could use
  2. Point taken It just makes me so angry ( grrrrrrr), that they can do this to us, and our best defence is to ignore them
  3. NO, Not yet , its just me. I like to get ready just in case , I am on my first refusal for now.
  4. will answer few times and stop , i need to get ready for the court just in case,
  5. They claim we entered into contract - which we dont is that unlawful, they send claims of court cases which they do not submit at that stage - is that fake? pretend they are right - but they are not,
  6. What if we get together against PPC. In number strength, dont know if someone came up with this before but surely its a good idea. My first post but just got an answer to my appeal from VCS, as expected got refusal. awaiting further communication. In main time Had some time to run through few forums and must say many people are angry with them . Why dont we all get somehow together, pay £5 each towards the solicitors costs, sue the b*****s and get all paid charges back - £5 x 1000 angry people = £5000 for a solicitor/barrister. We may get criminal (or not criminal) case for misuse and unlawfully claiming charges, pretending and fake papers, get insurance to cover our stress and losses. We all have some fake papers they send us. Why dont we bring them down. If the government cant do it, surely we can. We can make it big , get it into papers and other media, they will get scared. All we need is publicity and more people will find our case worth paying into. I bet it will be closely followed by millions! We can call ourselves GAA( check topic title for explanation) It would have to be a big head behind it all but if we manage to get it done we can take them one by one and they will bankrupt! I know its great idea but is it do-able?. What do you all think? [EDIT]
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