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Everything posted by goose82

  1. Thanks kevin i will look into this a little further but im not sure i would be eligible for this. Apart from riding on the wrong side of my overdraft and my water bill i havnt got any other debts im really worried about. DX100 my income at the moment is roughly 180 a fortnight eesa benefit. but im hoping to be actively seeking work soon so this will change, this isnt a certainty but its what i plan. if i were working this wouldnt be an issue for me but at the moment i just feel like im in a bit of a hole.
  2. Hi guys, I will try to explain my situation the best i can and hopefully somebody may be able to give me advice. Over the last several months ive not been working due to depression and other health issues, ive been burying my head in the sand about my bills. Now im feeling a bit better i need to tackle this problem before it snowballs even more than it has already has, my debt was passed on to power2contact with an extra charge of 23.50 which im guessing is because of this. my current debt is 190. After reading online about power2contact i got a bit worried about the way they do things so i decided not to contact them and ring npower instead asking if i could get a prepayment meter fitted to pay my bill, im now unsure if this is the best way of paying off my debt and if it will be better for me in the future. Im currently in a one bedroom flat so im on the lowest tariff and i rarely use my gas. I understand that the meter will charge 34p a day/£120ish a year also taking 70% off any payment i make towards my gas reducing my debt this way. I honestly dont know what to do for the best now and for the future use of gas. Whenever i try to speak to npower about this i get flustered and forget questions or dont ask the right ones and come away from the call no better than when i started. I hope ive posted in the right place and explained myself so you guys can understand, any advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks
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