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Posts posted by billybobyeeharrboy

  1. Please see exerpt from the Council after having challenged, two PCNS for the same 'contravention', One of them was very kindly cancelled as a goodwill gesture and the other was left as the council say was issued correctly.

    However I do have a valid permit for the parking as it is right outside my house in a private cul de sac however, I had recently made a vehicle numberplate swap, which somehow seems silly as if I had left the old number plate on would not have flagged any of the ticket warden's fine issuing machines warnings etc.


    "On the date and at the time of the contravention your permit was validated for the vehicle registration mark (VRM) P****. So, when the CEO typed the registration number of the parked vehicle into their handheld computer, your permit would not have appeared.

    Therefore, the PCN was correctly issued.

    You have stated in your correspondence that you had applied for a change of vehicle (COV) prior to the issue of the PCN.

    Our records show that you requested a COV on 30/12/2023 at 16:36, however, we must remind you that under the terms and conditions of the Virtual Residents Permits Scheme, vehicle registration changes will be actioned within 2 working days of the request being made. A confirmation email will be sent when the change has been made and only at that point is the new vehicle active on the permit."

    I have now received the notice to owner dated 16th of Feb and would like to appeal the PCN

    Best wishes and Kind Regards





    Council exerpt after my challenge.pdf

  2. @dx100uk THIS IS WHAT I WROTE THE UNI: 'please send the payment link for full and final settlement', never haver I used the word PENALTY, im not that much of a bimbo


    And yes I realise that I am a mug but I can't be bothered to go through the whole Process again last time I had to write the court and these idiot Gladstones from a mobile phone in Peru and just wasn't worth the time and headache for 90squid, even though is daylight robbery many other things in life are unfair and this is just a  private parking scam

  3. @dx100uk THIS IS WHAT I WROTE THE UNI: please send the payment link for full and final settlement





    Payment can be made in any of the following ways.

    Please allow a few days for the system at Gladstones to update with the correct information so I would advise looking to pay from Monday 10th July

    Payment Must be made by 17th July 2023


    Online www.gladstonessolicitors.co.uk   


    Phone 0333 0230 049  


    Cheque Payable to ‘Gladstones Solicitors Ltd’  


    Bank Transfer  Name – Gladstones Solicitors Ltd  

    Sort Code – 20-24-09  

    Account Number – 33028712  

    Reference - 104262.71025


    you must include their reference [104262.71025] when making payment. If you fail to do so, Gladstones may be unable to allocate their payment. This may result in further costs being incurred, for which you will be liable.


    I hope this brings this matter to conclusion.



    Mark Burkill Parking and Transport Officer



    University Of Brighton | Estates and Facilities Management

  4. SORRY TO BE A PAIN IN THE BUTT AND CONFUSING BUT that's just where my mind is at the moment, various life matters, sure same for all of us.

    Would someone be so kind to direct me to a template for a suitable snotty letter that I can amend and post recorded delivery to Gladstones?

    K regards


    do you know what think I will just pay the 90, once all the nonsense with filling in court paperwork etc is done is probably more cost efficient then fighting this battle even though these people really re lowlife 

  5. is this link to the is what I should be using...

     Received a Court Claim From A Private parking Speculative invoice??

    Yes you gathered correctly HB, the registered keeper is getting worried that it will effect their credit rating should it go to court and etc etc, not really aware of the legalities and the frivolity of the claim so I am getting hounded both ends...so thinking just to cut losses and pay the 90 rather than months of this dragging on...

    Still I have dealt with this before and know how much of a scam it can be.

    Best wishes



  6. I wrote to the University Chancellor and this chap Mark Burkill has picked up the email.

    I have asked the penalty to be cancelled and we keep going backwards and forwards like a broken record and despite the university's participation in causing harm and distress to the registered keeper this jobsworth relentlessly won't give up.

    However he has agreed to remove the fee, cough 'Randsom fee'  down to £90!

  7. Ok well had a response from University of Brighton jobsworth and seems that have to pay a ransom for the Registered keeper to stop receiving harassment letters from Gladstones and CPM


    I am sorry to hear that this is causing the registered keeper any distress or detrimental effect on their peace of mind, Had the matter been dealt with at the time the NTK was sent to them back in October 2022 all of this could have been avoided and dealt with then.


    THE NTK would have clearly stated that if the registered keeper of the vehicle was not the driver of the vehicle at the time the offence was committed the liability should have been transferred at that point.

    UK Car Park Management - Transfers (uk-carparkmanagement.co.uk)


    UK-CPM have responded to my email informing me that this PCN was issued by a Mobile operative and not ANPR, the operative would have checked the car to see if there was a blue badge on display (as we have ascertained there wasn’t). They have also stated to me that at no point has this PCN been appealed and no communication has been received from the registered keeper.

    As a one off gesture UK-CPM have offered to reduce the PCN down to £90 full and final settlement, should you wish to accept this offer then please let me know and I can inform UK-CPM, they will not be reducing it any further.

    We will not be asking for the PCN to be cancelled. As mentioned in the previous email, we feel that the PCN was in fact issued correctly as per all the signage and our terms and conditions.


    Mark Burkill Parking and Transport Officer



    University Of Brighton | Estates and Facilities Management




    Many thanks for your reply.

     You mention in your first email that the registered keeper on November 3rd 2022 received a NTK from UK CPM, but in your last email you state that the first they became aware of the PCN was via a text message from Gladstones Solicitors, so I am struggling to understand the events that have occurred here. 

     To clarify, PCNs are sent to the registered keeper, as per the details kept by the DVLA. The driver is not contacted as records are not kept of this, and it is the responsibility of the keeper to manage their vehicle and in the case of this, pass information onto the driver if needed.  

    Unfortunately, it’s unclear who was driving the vehicle and if they were a university student, staff member or visitor. Can you clarify this please? It is also our policy, as detailed on all signage, that an E-Permit is required to park on campus. There are no records of an E-Permit being in place for vehicle registration XXXXX. 

    Blue disabled badges are issued to the person requiring the badge and not to a vehicle so again UK-CPM would have no knowledge that the person using the vehicle was a blue badge holder as the badge was not on display. 

    Without an open dialogue between UK-CPM and the registered keeper of the vehicle, UK-CPM as per their terms and conditions that would have been on the NTK would continue to peruse the PCN and escalate the costs accordingly.

    Additional costs associated with any further action that UK-CPM have taken or instructed a third party to take are in line with industry guidelines.

     As previously mentioned in my first email, I have asked UK-CPM for their comments and once they have responded I will of course come back to you with any solutions that may be able to help the situation, but this is currently very difficult without knowing the full details and understanding who was using the vehicle.

    From the information I have available, it would appear that the PCN has been issued correctly as there was no E-Permit in place and the blue badge was not visible. 

     Mark Burkill Parking and Transport Officer 


    University Of Brighton | Estates and Facilities Management


  9. funnily enough yes this has been done before, the strange thing is....that Gladstones sent a text through to the registered keeper and of course how did they get the mobile phone number to text through

    Professor Debra Humphris
    University of Brighton
    [[email protected]]

    Subject: Concern Regarding Threatening and Intimidating Letters from Debt Collectors

    Dear Professor Debra Humphris,

    I am writing to bring a matter of concern to your attention regarding the receipt of threatening and intimidating letters from debt collectors on behalf of Brighton University. I kindly request your immediate attention and intervention to address this issue.

    On [07th October 2022], the car registration visited the University of Brighton's Falmer campus and parked their vehicle in accordance with the parking regulations provided. However, on [03 November '22], the registered keeper received a Notice to Keeper (NTK) from CPM UK Car Park Management, alleging a parking infringement on [07th October 2022]. It is important to note that the registered keeper was not the driver of the vehicle at the time of the alleged infringement. Despite this fact, CPM UK Car Park Management is still pursuing the registered keeper, even though they are not liable for the alleged infringement as the registered keeper.

    Furthermore, the registered keeper received threatening letters from debt collectors, which included language and tone that can only be described as intimidating. Additionally, it has come to my attention that CPM UK Car Park Management is unlawfully adding an additional £70 charge to the initial parking infringement charge. This unlawful addition raises serious concerns about the fairness and transparency of the parking enforcement process. I am confident that the University of Brighton would not want to be involved in anything unlawful, and it is highly unlikely that the additional charge was included in the contract with CPM UK Car Park Management.

    The impact of such communications on individuals can be significant, causing undue stress, anxiety, and potential harm to mental well-being. As an esteemed institution of higher learning, it is believed that it is essential to foster an environment that promotes respect and supports the welfare of both students and visitors.

    In light of this, I kindly request that you intervene in this matter and take the necessary steps to ensure that all threatening and intimidating letters from debt collectors on behalf of Brighton University cease immediately. Additionally, I urge you to investigate the unlawfully added £70 charge and work towards cancelling the parking infringement charge altogether. It is important to maintain a fair and reasonable approach in dealing with parking infringements, one that upholds the principles of justice, fairness, and respectful communication.

    It is trusted that you hold a commitment to the well-being of the university community and a dedication to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment. The sender would greatly appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and a response addressing the steps taken to rectify the situation.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. The sender looks forward to a positive response.

    Yours sincerely,


  10. Hi Caggers, so the registered keeper at the time is receiving Debt recovery letters on behalf of the university and I was wondering what Caggers think of Sending the Vice chancellor of the uni a letter asking to cease and desist with the threatening and intimidating letters....

    Thanks for any guidance and input, much appreciated


    Professor Debra Humphris
    University of Brighton
    Subject: Cease and Desist Request Regarding Threatening and Intimidating Letters from Debt Collectors
    Dear Professor Debra Humphris,
    This letter is to bring to your attention a matter of concern regarding the receipt of threatening and intimidating letters from debt collectors on behalf of Brighton University. The sender kindly requests your immediate attention and intervention to address this issue.
    On [07th October 2022], the car registration visited the University of Brighton's Falmer campus and parked their vehicle in accordance with the parking regulations provided. However, on [03 November '22], the registered keeper received a Notice to Keeper (NTK) from CPM UK Car Park Management, alleging a parking infringement on [07th October 2022]. While it is understood that the university may have contracted CPM UK Car Park Management to oversee parking enforcement, the subsequent actions of the debt collectors have caused distress and concern.
    Despite the absence of a ticket on the sender's vehicle, they received threatening letters from debt collectors, which included language and tone that can only be described as intimidating. The impact of such communications on individuals can be significant, causing undue stress, anxiety, and potential harm to mental well-being. As an esteemed institution of higher learning, it is believed that it is essential to foster an environment that promotes respect and supports the welfare of both students and visitors.
    In light of this, the sender kindly requests that you intervene in this matter and take the necessary steps to ensure that all threatening and intimidating letters from debt collectors on behalf of Brighton University cease and desist immediately. It is important to maintain a fair and reasonable approach in dealing with parking infringements, one that upholds the principles of justice, fairness, and respectful communication.
    It is trusted that you hold a commitment to the well-being of the university community and a dedication to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment. The sender would greatly appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and a response addressing the steps taken to rectify the situation.
    Thank you for your time and consideration. The sender looks forward to a positive response.
    Yours sincerely,


    DR+ letters.pdf

  11. yes acknowledged, correct this is not an ANPR and no ticket was left on the screen.
    incident took place 07th October, issue date 31st october 2022. so 24 days had elapsed.

    Will have a look for what the time limits are for NTK


    CPM PCN received through the post

    1 Date of the infringement : 07th October 2022

    2 Date on the NTK 31st October 2022

    3 Date received Thursday 03 November '22

    4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? NO

    5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? yes 2 photos

    6 Have you appealed? NO

    7 Who is the parking company? CPM UK car park management

    8. Where exactly: University of Brighton Falmer campus

    here is the reverse

    cpm reverse .pdf

    does anyone here recommend I email the university directly they have an email address [email protected] and ask them to cancel the non enforceable ticket as they have no one on the phones I can speak to...

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