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Stig of the Dump

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Everything posted by Stig of the Dump

  1. Hiya Guys, Can anyone help with a question regarding private club membership ?? Here's the deal... in feb 2013, I made an appplication to join as a probationary member of a target shooting club. At the time of applying , I was informed that I was to be a " probationary member " and that full membership would not be offered until I had been a probationer for at least three months and I had also completed a minimum of 12 supervised visits. After that I could apply for full membership. The club official at the time of signing me up as a probationary member took £104.00 in cash and outlined the above " membership " requirements. Since that time I managed to attend on 2 ocassions and have not been able to fulfill either joining criteria. The club agm was held recently and I asked for a refund of my membership fee as I had not attended suffiecient times to qualify for as a member and could not envisage me being able to join on a full time basis due to outside work, family, and other commitments. I sent an email to the club secretary at the time of the club agm and have received a reply that says - tough - we are not prepared to refund any fee as I was a member and my membership is in place.... errmm I am not a member, I am still classed by club rules as a " probationer member ".... So for over 100 quid and 1 recorded visit I get fobbed off for a refund due to " club rules " .... Any Ideas guys... ?????
  2. End of June, I buy a car for £15 k - 60 k miles - from a major dealer, part ex'd my old car and financed the rest. I have had it for 50 days and done 600 miles in it. Last week - it died - It's now at a garage with the front end in various bits on the floor with the engine part stripped. I spend £350 on a 12 mth extended warranty - and start the claim process. Warranty chappies don't want to know and say it's dealers problem. But it's warranty company that are starting to authorise the repair - Lead to believe about £ 2 - 4 k bill. Could be head gasket, cylinder head or engine block. I've sent a letter to the dealer stating i don't want it back - as it wasn't fault free when purchased - ( broken windscreen ) and has major engine failure after 7 weeks. They state that have a right to offer a repair, and expect me to take vehicle back following repair. they are to make a decision tomorrow whether to replace the car with another or insist on repairing it... I have also phoned the finance company and asked them to contact the dealer - and insisting on a replacement car for me - they are towing the party line and saying dealer has a right to try and repair the car before a proper replacement would be offered.... correct - y/n?? Ok so.... My contract is not with dealer its now with finance company under soga ( implied terms ).... Y/N ?? Under soga - vehicle was not sold fault free - y/n ?? ie the windscreen and head gasket ... Under soga - vehicle did not last a reasonable time without being fault free - y/n ?? Under soga - within 6 mths of purchase I don't have to prove the defect did exist when purchased - y/n ? Under soga - within six months the dealer has to prove the defect did not exist - y/n? Can i demand a comparable replacement car - or request rescission from the finance company y/n? Dealer is saying offering a repair is the first option before any other, and i must accept the repaired car back....y/n ? If the dealer does not offer me a full replacement and it fails again - who is liable for the next repair ?? I have been without a car for what will be 2 weeks by the time a repair is carried out - so can I claim for the taxi's to and from work, car hire, and for car hire when I have a holiday booked for next week and won't want the original back, and need a like style car - what can i claim consequential losses for ?? You can guess that I've already taken some advice from cab phoneline but I wanna make sure i know where I stand... Cheers guys... Stig....
  3. I asked them to confirm who has made the payment last entry in 2005 and the last update in 2008 and have up to now bluffed around it. they have said that whoever made the entry has been contacted tho' and this can take up to 21 days - all I want is a name and address and i write to them but equifax wanna play secret agent stuff.... the original company was masterloan I'm guessing that changed when ak became the legal owner...
  4. Could Brig or someone please confirm that a cra cannot withold the company names that make entries on my crf and is it the data protection act that i need to guide them towards - to give me the info that i require, sorry to be a pain Brig, but i wanna get this sorted and loose the chains...
  5. Thnx to Scarlet P and the Brig - Don't bust a gut mate - I got plenty of time - Spoke to sCabot today - they haven't responded to the stat barr letter so I thought I'd poke the bear with a sharp stick and see if I could draw blood and bait the mongrel ...... glad I did tbh... I phoned sCabot central cesspit and spoke to a drone - I could hear in the background another drone explaining what a good deal the discounted offer was to some poor victim ... I wanted to shout " don't listen " whilst my drone was reading the stat barr letter...he confirmed sCabot had received the stat barr letter, and the debt has now been marked as "uncollectable" - and some form of response is in the post - he tried draggin me into the why the debt isn't paid / recognized or why I don't want to talk about it trap. Jeez these nerks have one script and that's as good as it gets isn't it ?... and I told him that I wasn't being drawn into a conversation about the debt and asked him to confirm what sCabots response to the stat barr was...... he then informed me that he could see no point in carrying on the conversation and abrubtly put the phone down. Well chuff my ole boots that's the first time sCabot have ever slammed me. They usually wanna talk forever about me offering a payment , recognizing the debt, taking advantage of a discounted offer, trying to get me to recognize the debt and let them put another six years on the clock...etc etc..... now they don't wanna chat ??? why that then ?? Ermm... It's coz they ain't getting jack s**t and they are miffed isn't it..... lmfao... I truly hope a sCabot drone reads this and realizes that I'm gonna have a few beers and a takey out meal on the strength of sCabots investment in my 15 year old debt... CAG have already be given my donation..... cheers guys the beer will taste cooler tonite...... and that's for the threatening letters that sCabot sent but were actually based on bulls**t, the countless phone calls at all times of day and evening that disturbed my sleep , rest and home life, the arguements that were caused, the worry, concern, fretting, the dread of when the phone rings, the separation and divorce that I went through ....The dark nights that drink was my only friend, for the look in the love of my lifes eyes that showed contempt and hatred for a loser... a loser made by credit... For being told ... " I've had enough... I can't live like this anymore " .... she left the next day and that was 2003 and there's never been a day that I don't think of what may have been....all these things and all the other tricks you have employed have brought you nothing...How do you guys sleep at night ?? You know you done all of this for £1100.00p, is this the value that has been placed on my s**ty life ?? yeah please Brig a letter would be good.. Stig.....
  6. Ok Brig - have spent the last week being pushed from pillar to post by barclays, apex, cabot, experian, equifax, call credit.... All I get is denial, and auto responses to online enquiries - so having tried the nice and polite way, I think it's time for the wrecking ball approach. Any chance of the letter please ?? Had to larf apex even denied they made the searches, said it must be some other company called apex, yeah like my uncle is actually my aunt freda and wears a frock - cabots silence has been deafening since getting the sta barr letter, barclays are blaming the cra's and the cra's are blaming cabot, bcw, apex and barclays. the dipstick at barclays customer services told me to " go in branch and explain " - hmm I know a village that needs an idiot - he should apply... It's so nice to have poked the stick into the wasp nest and given it a good hard rattling. stig......
  7. TYVM... Think I wait and see... till I set the wrotty on em..... You know it's quite pleasing quoting the oft guidance, admin of justice act, csa codes and standards, dpa etc at em.... but as I said before they already know all this stuff don't they .... they just don't like us knowing it too....
  8. Hey no probs mate... hope you had a good day.... I've started an equifax online enquiry and they have today replied that they have contacted the company to investigate the entry - but they still haven't told me who they are talking to - really miffed that these companies seem to be able to keep stuff and share all this information aboout me - but seem unwilling to share it with me....... and what a con that telephone contact is 5p a min - wait for 15 mins to talk to someone and then get told to submit an online request - another p**s take...I've also sent a letter wanting an explanation from Apex as to why they have made searches on me - but looking at their web site they are in bed with sCabot so it could well be the stat barr debt with sCabot, who probably only got the stat barr letter this morning. You know before I started this thread - I would have just excepted things as they were - But when you start to put the pieces together only then do you realise just how shabbily these companies treat people and have no remorse at all. There must be thousands if not hundreds of thousands of folk that have been given a bum steer by this lot. You know if I had done some henous crime in 1997, I would probably be outta jail by now with a clean record. But in 1997 I can't repay my credit card coz life turns upside down and 15 yrs latter some knobhead at sCabot thinks there's a new sheriff in town.... Oopps rant over.... Stig....
  9. Brig thnx for the advise as always - a letter would be nice , but if your busy mate I can always see what comes about from equifax and AK - keep my powder dry for the min - but I intend to get this off my record - I might even give barclays a tinkle and see what bo**ox they come out with - jeez another bone to gnaw at .... rofl..... Stig....
  10. Allo mate.. I have looked at my credit file using equifax and credit expert - the credit expert file shows my score as excellent and is clear of DCA entries..... The equifax one shows excellent score but shows :- 1 - a bank loan with an account number of xxx0 2 - current balance = 0 3 - credit limit = 0 4 - Start date = **/**/1998 5 - Start balance = several k's in £££ 6 - Last updated = Aug 2005 (In payment month section) 7 - Also shows " No Updated" entries til sept 2008 8 - Shows searches by apex, bcw and cabot all in 2011 - under reason "outstanding debt" 9 - the default date = blank 10 - And last delinquent date = blank 11 - default delinquent date = blank 12 - status = transaction not received this month 13 - date updated = 23/11/2008 14 - date satisfied = blank The loan entry is the AK owned debt ( the stat barr one) - but the cra will not confirm who has made the entries to me - and I'm in the process of equifax investigating the entry - I spoke to AK yesterday and they confirmed they are the legal owner and quote " Don't understand why the entry is on my file" - they too are looking into it. But I smell bulls**t tbh.... Stig......
  11. Firstly, I would just like to say a few things to you guys out there who are going through the meat grinder, having been through what you are experiencing it's very difficult to see where the hope comes from and where a solution and some peace of mind comes from. But It does come , not always as speedily as we would like but it does come. I went through pergotory in the late 1990's and early 2000's, and it basically continued on and off till 2005/2006. At times there was no end..... In the past I have had dealings with wonderful DCA's such as Moorcroft, Cabot, Aktiv Kapital, C.S.L, Thames Credit, Buchanan Clark & Wells, Scotcall, Zinc, Robinson Way, FIRE, Mackensie Hall, and that's just the letters I kept.... And regarding each and every one of those DCA's.... Not one of them gave a rats backside about me, my family life my health and well being... nothing... These guys would put your children back down the mines if it meant getting paid.....I will not give out the politic of the rights and wrongs of the debt industry, there are always 2 sides to a story. But if you are here reading this then you have started your journey at least... please beleive me doing nothing IS NOT an option. It seems that I'm not outta the woods yet, but I'm over halfway there and I only wish I had access to this site during the dark days.... Take onboard what is on this site and act upon it ... what have you got to lose ??? A DCA nerd once said to me, whilst standing on my doorstep..... " Mr Stig, I'll make it so difficult for you .....You won't be able to buy a newspaper on credit....." I told him to go forth and multiply and do it because I was at rock bottom anyway.... He promptly did indeed prevent me from buying the daily sport using my barclay card.... But hey ho... I blew the last £2.00p of credit on pie and chips... That's when I knew I had to start to crawl outta the mire...... Please... Please don't lie on a pile of poo for as long as I did..... So, After my 1997 and 1998 debts having had AK and sCabot breathe new life into them... I decided to make a few inquiries of my own..... 1 - My Credit file shows 4 recent searches - 1 by AK, 1 by sCabot and 2 by Apex. 2 - I've never heard of Apex - but their web site boasts about being able to trace search anyone who hasn't paid up and find the wrong doer's for the likes of AK and sCabot. 3 - So I presume thats exactly what they did - Apex scouts me out, they tell the DCA and the DCA's see an account that isn't declared as statute barred and think it's time to go fishing again even though the debts date back to 1997/8 and were last active in 2004/5. 4 - Show even tho' the DCA is the "legal" owner of the debt..... who actually knows it is actually statute barred , but don't want to let on about it, think that I'm going to be ignorant, compliant and scared that the whole nasty business is about to start again and now that my finances are back on the level and I can buy the daily sport using my visa debit... that I'm going to say sod it I'm going to pay their discounted offer just to get em off my back ?? Ermmm - does the site have a smiley that shows - " a single middle finger pointing upwards" ?? 5 - Is it worth me telling Apex that if an DCA wants a search doing on me... that they shouldn't bother... because they are all statute barred..... and is it worth putting a notice of correction on my credit file ?? 6 - Searches stay on my credit file for 1 yr - are they auto removed by the credit ref agency or do you need to make a request ?? 7 - These guys are just putting entries onto my credit file just to keep the ball rolling aren't they ?? 8 - So... Even tho' they say that staute barred is the end of matter... we're still going to try and trash your credit file ?? Cheers guys.. Stig....
  12. Well sit me down... Spank me gently and call me Susan...... Not only yesterday a loverly letter was recieved from my dear chums at Cabot - Those little rascals !!!..... fancy hearing from them after all this time !! They said they hadn't been in touch for such a long time and was wondering how I was ?? How Great Aunt Maud's lumbago was ?? and said we should meet up for a few pints and a curry and chat about old times, and wax lyrical about how they made my existence a living hell when I was at the lowest point of my life. Also, they needed to let me know that that my outstanding debt had now been passed to DCA Ltd. Who were going to work with me to set up a sustainable repayment arrangement and ensure my account is cleared whilst taking into account my personal circumstances. Errmmm.... Like hell they are thought I..... Now sCabot are a bunch of scroundels that I have had very adversarial dealings with in the past - about the same time as the above AK debt - except this one dates back to 1997 - sCabot have always said I owe them, even tho' I have proof of payment from Another DCA - I personally think Another DCA sold em a pup and sCabot were left holding the empty p**s pot and got their fishnets all twisted about it. But that concerns me not one jot... actually the more bitter and twisted sCabot get the better I feel. For the sake of the sites rules and continuity I'll keep it to the facts.... However, words only, cannot express my total comtempt for these mongrels at sCabot. So, in a near fit of rage, I phone DCA Ltd , because I'm no longer prepared to put up with being dealt with like some tired old rag by these companies. Now I know that the advice always given is DON'T PHONE THE LEECHES, but this time armed with the knowledge gained from this site. I knew what to say, when to say it and lead the conversation as I wanted it - not being lead down the DCA nerds script. I asked a few questions and within a few minutes the DCA nerd told me she considered the debt as statute barred and would be returning the account to sCabot. After alittle gentle persaussion she also acknowledged she was aware of the OFT Guidance regarding statute barred debt and that of the administration of justice act 1970 regarding harassment. BINGO !!! THEY DO KNOW IT.... THEY JUST DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT !!! So just to draw a line under this.... two copies of the letter advised by the Brig and Citizen went in last nights post... One to sCabot the other to DCA ltd ... I'll see what comes back.... Lets hope it's the same as AK and these morons finally realise they're barking up the wrong tree. I'm going to post another few questions next and see what you guys think.. Stig......
  13. donation done.... hope it helps out.... And i can assure you that letter will never see or even be in the same room as a shredder in all my days....
  14. Thnx to you both - I'll send them that letter regards my credit file and data - And finally... What happens with AK now - have they just took the hit and that's it or can they now try and recoup their outlay and sell it on to some other dca who starts all over again ?? Coz the Brigadier mentioned the debt still exists and is collectable ??
  15. Just thought you guys would like an update - I sent the letter you folks advised - and sweet jesus in todays post came a letter from the nice people at AK - They have investigated the issues raised and can confirm that the account would be statute barred. And have taken the decision not to pursue the matter any further. They have confirmed the account is closed and no further contact will be made. So in anyones book that's a result..... woot !!! Would you advise a letter to get them to confirm that they have removed all of my data and also to get them to remove the entry on my credit history - the origin agreement is showing on my file as unsettled - should I push that bit further or let sleeping dogs lie ?? But the most important thing is to give out the biggest thank you so much for the people that pass on their knowledge and experience.... Without them I would still have the AK monkey sitting on my shoulder..... I kinda guess that gloating would not be the right thing to do.... But it is quite sweet in this result as it's pay back for all the worry , grief , tears and arguements that they have caused over a long period.... Many Many Thanks again.....
  16. Sir tis an honour to have spoken to you today... plz change £32000.00 recovered/saved to £36000.00 .... because for all those sleepless nites caused by worry.... for the 10 yrs that it felt they took off my life.... the tears and arguements.... their callous " pay us first" attitude.... they ain't getting a bean from me... they can go howl at the moon.... But in all seriousness is the ownus on me to prove statute barred or Mr AK that it isn't ?? shoulkd I just let it go and take no action or do as I really want to - rub that s***ehawks nose in it.....
  17. I have never put anything in writing regarding this debt other than a letter complaining about the number of times they have phoned me - I'm a shift worker and having a phone ring at 11.00 am can be my "middle of the night" you know ? And I have online bank statements which go back to 2005 and show the last payment I made from that account and I have no other account that I would have made a payment from... So what do I do next ?? Ask them to confirm it's statute barred or just giggle the next time the nice man phones or writes... Surely they must know this is statute barred ?? So why start this infernal process all over again for gods sake ??
  18. Have i really just answered my own question - by typing 6 yrs in my post - which the site has a link to ?? Is this debt statute barred ??
  19. Hope I'm posting in the right area, I looking for some advise and need pointing in the right direction - In 1998 in took out a visa card and got into trouble with it and could no longer keep up the payments. I foolishly stuck my head in the sand and ignored everything. I tried to make ends meet - finished up defaulting and they passed this on to aktiv kapital - they made my life a misery for most of 2000 thro' to 2002. At that time I went thro' divorce and the world just fell apart - At that time I was paying them a monthly d/d and finished up having the choice of paying for my home and eating or pay of the debt collectors, which were aktiv kapital and buchanan and wells. I decided that a roof over my head and food in the belly came first. So I stopped the d/d , this didn't go down well and I went thro' hell when dealing with these people. Numerous threatening letters , countless phone calls at all times of the day and evening , "Home Visits" - sounds so cosy and helpful - doesn't it ?? - they're not I assure you. Some how I muddled through and suddenly everything stopped , didn't hear a word from them ...... Until late Febuary 2012 when I get a letter telling me I still owe nearly £4000 and telling me I need to resolve the matter by paying them 1200 quid and they will go away. That letter got the attention that it deserved - none !! However today the phone rings and it's a nice man from AK - wanting me to arrange an offer to AK - I went thro' the usual bull**** with him and asked how he had managed to get an ex directory telephone number with telephone prefernce service registered number and call barring from virgin media - he told me he "done a trace search" - I tell him that I don't want to discuss this with him - as I see no reason to take an unwelcome call and still want to know exactly how he obtained my number - but as always he ignores my requests and continues to plough his own furrow - he starts quoting stuff from his records and expects me to remember.... he tells me he finds it curious as to why I don't recall this conversation or that document from 9 yrs ago - I then tell him that I got a birth certificate from 1960 but don't read it every soddin day... Any way by this time I've had enough of this gents help and assistance - so I tell him I no longer wish to discuss it any further with him and say bye bye and put the phone down. I then pick up the phone and call virgin media and change my telephone number. Because I couldn't bear the phone ringing at all hours again. Something the nice lady from virgin media customer relations said was that " After 6 yrs they were not allowed to chase such an old debt ". One little gem that the nice man from AK said was " The last payment you made was Aug 2005, a payment of £50.00 by d/d ". So I go online and check my bank statements from then - sure enough Aug 2005 was the last payment that I have records of. So does that mean that they should not be contacting me or is the grief going to start all over again ?? Any advice would be most welcome , and thank you for taking the time out to read my post.... tyvm.... Stig..
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