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Everything posted by coymiche

  1. well,not too sure of this,it's really all about the existence of these deeds,i find it difficult to believe that a "deed of assignment"is created for each debt packaged into these large portfolio's,then sold to the dca's,i have no doubt that some will definitely exist.as to the "notice of assignment" any letter from any party to you can be construed as a notice of assignment.
  2. the brigadier, states that the debtor cannot access the' deed of assignment'.well, not wishing to put my foot in it,i think the debtor may have the right to view or obtain a true copy of such an assignment, of course the debt collector will not provide this document for whatever reason,this may lead to a stalemate,with the debt collector unable to proceed with their rather odious activities,this infomation even if not verified is surely worth further evaluation and careful research, with all due respect to the brigadier.
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