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  1. hi all! am currently dealing with NDR, they are a joke! I had a payday loan with toothfairy, realised after rolling it for a month due to unforseen circumstances that i couldnt afford to pay it back in one go, contacted them immediately via emails phone calls etc and got sworn at, hung up on, ignored etc, so in the end i told them to pass it onto a debt agent and i would deal with them! NDR contacted me, tried to agree a payment plan, and was told that the amount i had said i could pay (although equal to what they would accept) was unacceptable to spread weekly instead of monthly! I have overpaid on my agreement and still getting emails etc to say that i havent stuck to the payment plan and bailiffs will be coming to my house, work etc to recover 9 times the value of goods?! to top it off, i had a message from a marshall hoares bailiff company to contact them, did, and apparently it was still NDR?!?! i have contacted the OFT and it is officially with them as a complaint, they are beyond a joke! my only advice is stick to your guns, only pay back what you can afford to, they won't take you to court, i asked them to take me to court and was told on the phone that they wouldn't do it if an agreement was made (which i was trying to do, they were just being awkard!)! I apparently still owe them £300, but will only be paying another £100 to cover the loan and months interest... I did owe them over £800 because of their fees, but as i wasn't ignoring it they 'ever so kindly' dropped the fees every time i contacted them regarding the emails threatening me when i am definitely up to date on payments!!! Their emails are scary, threatening, and yes they are rude... but stick to it, at the end of the day if they want their money they will agree to a payment plan like every other company out there!!!!!
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