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  1. I understand the Section 21 however the landlord's agent made it a 'fault' when she accused me of complaining and that was why I was being evicted. The law is absolutely crazy; I'm doing the right thing in reporting that repairs need to be carried out all of which were not up to code. The LL is getting away with murder. How does the LL get away with this? No, have not already been evicted; I wasn't home at the time of the problem with the electricity.
  2. like you I called the Env Dept on Landlord but Section 21 was served prior to his calling the letting agent. Apparently they thought I was complaining about repairs. Funny that, my consumer box was so unsafe that even the electrician couldn't finish his electric safety report. Storage heaters were working at 1/3 capacity and had sewage-like smells in kitchen and bathroom. So, when they go for possession order on what grounds could they possibly use? I don't have any rent arrears and I haven't damaged the property.
  3. Hi All, I am very new to this so don't know if this is the right place to post. I have been served with a Section 21 Notice and was given 4 months to find a property. Before receiving the Notice the Environment Dept got involved and called the Letting Agent. He was told then and there that "she's always complaining, she's out of here, I've just served her with a Section 21." Problem was: the letting manager didn't know who she was speaking to as she didn't give him any time to introduce himself. Long story short, I had every right to complain as when the letting agent was ordered to supply Env. Dept with a current electric safety report the electrician couldn't do it as the consumer box was so unsafe. The Env. issued an Emergency Order for them to install new box; had I been in the property I would have been immediately made homeless. I have had sewage-like smells in both the kitchen and bathroom. My heaters have only been working on 1/3 capacity; 2 elements in each (3) have gone. I used to go to bed with my clothes on as I was so cold. Despite the above, I am still being evicted. I have managed to find a solicitor who will be claiming compensation and to hopefully come to some agreement. Because I am on HBs I can't find any letting agent to rent to me. I cannot find ANY grounds with which the landlord could apply for re-possession. I have never been behind in the rent, so no rent arrears. No damage to the property either. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?
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