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  1. bazooka boo is exactly right. it will probably help the situation. as i mentioned in my last comment, send in a BRIEF income and expenditure.
  2. you are being given wrong advice teaboy2. a subject access request will cost you £10 and will not provide you with anything helpful unless you go direct to MBNA and they provide the info. my suggestion is you send a letter to the debt collection company asking them to remove your number and also enclose a brief income and expenditure and an offer of repayment. are you disputing the case? if no, follow my advice. if yes, what is the dispute?
  3. yes i have read this thoroughly and Shanidev does not make clear if payments were offered to the company. yes payments were offered to mbna but they no longer have the acount according to this.
  4. Debbbbsy..please can you answer my question? Surely what you are advising is just prolonging the agony for Shanidev? I'm speaking from someone who has been in the exact same position, if not worse.
  5. debbbbsy..why would you not advise someone to pay the money back?
  6. a piece of advice that will help you hugely...contact the company and make an arrangement. This will most certainly stop your worry
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