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Everything posted by PayDayNoWay

  1. Hey guys. I have read your comments and I really don't want to be a downer on this but I was also taken to court by carter Forbes, I highlighted the excessive interest rates - the rebutal (how is it spelt?) was that I knew about them before I signed the agreement. if you read the press too the Judges, Parliament and Press are all very aware of it so this is not an arguement. I tried to get the case struck out on technicalites, and failed, I appeared in court and their QC just combatted every arguement I had prepared. Basically I signed an agreement for a loan, I didn't pay it off, so I owe them the money. I didn't have any emails though and had not tried to come to an agreement. I am now paying of my Attachment of earnings Order directly from my wages. don't spend money on Legal advice, that money would be better offered to Cash Genie than spent on a legal defence that didn't help me. sorry for this, and good luck.
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