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Everything posted by torio

  1. Hi guys, Need a little advice as to what my rights are on this!! So, let me start at the beginning. Happy little ol' me gets new car home, waits a month and then takes into the garage about 6 weeks later for its 1000 mile/1 month service. Now to begin with, it arrived with a scratch which they had admitted was done when fitting a panel and agreed to repair. This was only small and in a fairly unobvious place so I was fine with the small paint touch up required to fix it. Here comes the worst part. While there, parked in the lot post service, some lovely inconsiderate idiot opened their door into my car (or so I have been informed) leaving the usual trademark door dent. Now, normally with my little old car I would have been happy with the paint repair job and all would have been well. However, this is a 6 week old vehicle that went in with immaculate paintwork, not a scratch (bar the small one at time of fitting) and not a dent. So, my concern is that there will still be a visible blemish either to the frame or the paintwork. In fairness is my other gripe that is that this was my first brand new car all specially made for me waited for months and now it has been spoilt, but on this I dont think I have a stand point. Apologies for the ramble but thought it would be best to explain in full. What are my rights here? I haven't seen the car yet but I just want to go in prepared. Am I entitled still to a full refund as the car will no longer be 'as new'? Any help and advice would be much appreciated!! On a cynical note, why is it that my local garage my old car used to go to never did anything and now both cars I have taken to a dealership have been returned with damage (the last was on my old car which made it easier to accept though equally as tiresome!)!!!! A frustrated car owner who is in desparate need of some advice!!!!
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