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Everything posted by Worriedinbfd

  1. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum mods, please move it to relevant forum if so Some time ago (under 12 months though) I bought a Lenovo G570 laptop. After about 3 months the left hand hinge came loose. I took it back to the retailer who replaced the screw in the back that was holding the hinge in. All was good for about a couple of months until it happened again, this time it damaged the case. I promptly returned the laptop to the store for someone to take a look at. I was contacted by the store a couple of days later, they told me the damage was caused by me dropping the machine(which I have not). I suggested that there was a design flaw resulting in the hinges coming loose, only to be told "no it isn't a design flaw, you don't know what you're talking about". I was disgusted, but tried to be ultra careful with the machine. Now, over the weekend the same problem has occurred with the hinge at the right hand side, this prompted me to google "Lenovo G570 hinge broken", this search threw up quite a lot of results(near 9000). It does seem that this is a common fault with the laptop. Others have tried to contact Lenovo but have been fobbed off by them. Before 12 months is up, I would like to know where to go from here. Any help/advice would be gratefully received.
  2. That's a relief! As you may be able to tell, I'm very wet behind the ears with this sort of thing, so the advice received is most appreciated, even if it may be hard to give from my information. Thanks again!
  3. I've just dug out the Levy. Outstanding £495.56 Levy & Walking possession fees £41/£12 Other Fees £24.50 Sch 5(?) £24.50 Balance £597.56 The bailiffs are Jacobs certified bailiffs. I had a letter two days ago with the balance still appearing as £597.56 I have made payments totaling £223.00 which should leave me with £374.56 I'm now even more confused as to why my balance hasn't changed? As for the charges listed above, I have no idea what they are for.
  4. Thanks, Both my G/F and i are now unemployed, her for 6 months and me for 1 month. She is claiming benefits and i haven't had the need to make a claim as yet(may be cutting off my nose to spite my face)but i would rather signing on be an extreme last resort. The car is worth not much more than £250 but it does get me to work(when i have some). The debt is £650. I have only just moved in with my other half so any signing on would seriously disrupt the benefits she receives. It is made all the more worse in that between us we have applied for well over 1000 jobs between us so it's not like we're trying to shirk our responsibilities:(. I think that my only recourse would be to hide the car and call the council
  5. The premiums would rise considerably so that isn't an option at this time. I do find it rather odd that they are able to do this as I believe that even a bankruptcy order will exclude a vehicle if it's a 'tool of the trade'?
  6. Hi, Thanks for your quick reply. It's for a council tax bill. I'm concerned because if they do take it away then there is no way i can actually work or make a living, can they effectively (by taking the car) prevent me from making a living? Can I transfer ownership of the vehicle to my other half? If i did this what would the possible outcome be?
  7. Hello all, this is my first post so please excuse any mistakes I may make. A baliff called a few weeks ago and levied my car, saying that he will take it away if my account is not settled, I initially started making the agreed payments but have recently become unemployed. Although I have informed them of the situation I am worried that now I am unable to make repayments they may take the car. The car is in my name It is paid for in full I am a joiner so the car is essential for my trade(carriage of tools, materials etc) My question is can they actually take the car given its necessity(tool of my trade) to my making a living? Any advice will be most welcome. Worriedinbfd.
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