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Everything posted by essex_chris

  1. I found this site after googling "disputing early termination charges on mobile contract". I have just registered and hoped to start a new thread but this one seems appropriate to seek advice. Apologies for the length of post, i suspect this is common on a forum like this. I will copy some of a recent post of mine as it is a fair summary of my views (hope this is appropriate for this site) Myself i have had a number of account problems with Vodafone in recent times - i am a 99% satisfied customer, although at times it seems a bit of work to get there, usually things are dealt with once Vodafone are pressed in my experience. I have been a customer with more than one tariff at a time since 2003. I have been contacted by a representative of 'Vodafone Directors Office" after emailing both the webteam and copying that email to a well known high up Vodafone email address. I had tried 191 but with absolutely no luck other than an final offer of a £20 credit to my account, for over £50 of costs to myself which were Vodafones responsibility. The person i dealt with was Amanda and was very helpful and largely very good at answering questions and dealing with specific queries. I renewed a contract with Vodafone on the 22nd of January - this was for £35 a month, with a 50% retentions discount, for 600mins / 3000texts / 500Mb Mobile Internet with Fair Use Policy, and was given a free HTC Magic. Since then i have actually been billed for a £40 tariff with discount - though i was only aware that the bills were higher than expected. Multiple calls to 191 informed me that this would level out due to changing tariff, date of payment etc. at no point was the £40 tariff mentioned. I also paid £9.99 for Saturday delivery for the handset, and although it was delivered the box contents were incomplete - it lacked a memory card so certain major functions of the handset were unavailable to me. After arranging for a 4gb micro sd card to be posted to me, i was told i would be credited the saturday delivery charge. Until a few days ago this had not happened - given the new of the mobile internet warning texts i decided to contact Vodafone so was pleased when i got a call from Amanda representing the Vodafone Directors Office. After a lenghthy explanation, discussing the details of the sale and the contract it was agreed that a credit to my account for the costs to me, and future credits each month to my bill of £2.50 would be applied to put my bills in line with the £17.50 standard price it should be. I am satisfied with this, but i post it as it gives some history to admitted mistakes on Vodafones part. We also discussed the news of warning texts and the mobile internet limit, and i was told i would receive a letter with the details on Vodafones official position, as i was told that the eForum and 191 statements would not be official - what i was to receive would be. A day later i received a call to apologise that i was told i would receive a letter, but that i would get an email instead. This is fine - anything official from Vodafone in writing would satisfy me. When this email arrived it was a snipped version of many posts on the eForum, so somewhat disappointed i wrote back asking for clarification on a few things, and in return was sent back a more comprehensive announcement from May 11th which can be seen posted elsewhere. Not that i was sent a statement on the 12th but it was not Vodafones announcement from the 11th. At this point in time i am informed that were i to request a PAC code at this time, my early termination charge would be in the region of ~£490. My issue with my contract is that i was specifically informed multiple times by Vodafone staff on 191, the sales line who called me after i requested and received a PAC code in January, and from reading the Vodafone eForum that the Fair use Policy meant that 500mb was a 'soft' limit, and that it was intended to give Vodafone the means to restrict or charge users who tethered, streamed video, used P2P download services, and were excessive users of data. This was clarified upon being asked as 'gigabytes' of data, other specific comments from Vodafone staff verbally were that users going 50% over and using 750Mb, or double the limit and using 1000mb were fine as it is the tiny minority of multiple gigabyte users that Vodafone would target and charge. I have now learned for certaint that should i use in excess of 500Mb each month more than once than i will be eligible to be charged. To me this is a clear difference from what i was specifically sold. I have attempted to seek clarification from Vodafone but i get recent statements about 3% of users, or 'a period of time' parroted back to me. I fully understand the need to charge users who abuse the Mobile Internet service, and should i sign up to a new contract with Vodafone i will happily pay £5 a month for each extra 500Mb data allowance, but this is categorically not what i was sold. I am under the impression that whilst Vodafone can apply early termination charges to my account should i use the PAC code i may request, but i want to confirm the potential repercussions should i decide to dispute them. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Apologies again for the long post Chris.
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