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Everything posted by rush1

  1. FG told us of this new idea in april 2008, he tried to distroy me in december 2009, Well im still here you ba***rd........................... i
  2. Caroline2009. I am truly sorry what has happend to you, I understand you need to vent your anger to natasha sad as it seems you had a freindship once. Please dont think i am being rude to you , i am not that type of man, i beleive the reason FG rang you was because natasha already new there was a problem, yes she should of spoke out, she dident. I beleive that FG used us all and maybe did go for natasha as he new he could use her for this massive [problem]. I to as many did speak to natasha on many occassions noticed she did not sound if things were going to plan. Why dident she speak out sooner, MR FG is the best in the trade, I phoned natasha and told her that i was going to the police and, that something was very wrong with my cases, 6 in all, what a dick ive been.... She then confided in me and after seeing what she has said on here, most for me is true. That is not to say what you are saying is not true, this is all very confusing, and that is what mr FG intended. Mr FG is about to lose his home, if he reads this he will blow a gasket at me , and the police will be involved, well bring it on MR FG. I nearly lost my home because of him, and it seems there are other. There is one way to evan have a chance in hell of getting this ba***rd and, that is to find out what he really has got. I will find out.....my way. I ask you as a victim to find out if we stand a chance of getting anything back from this, justice and our money.Money distroys many lives, but if we fight this or try we will have a chance. There are many of us. If for 1 min natasha had made the money FG has made i would be doing to her what i am doing to FG the legal way. I will find out what he has in this area. we need someone in spain too. Where did the idea cime from , FG told me and my partners at one of his houses that its his idea and he has 100% pass rate. My spelling is very bad.
  3. Is there anyone who started there credit cards before jan 2009, caroline 2005, is bugging me.
  4. FG told me and many others he paid cash for his house, and his childrens 5 houses, its another lie.
  5. BOE,my home is safe thankyou, all my creditors are happy. FG has serious money probs here in england, else where dont know yet but i will soon . He has just let a property and i am told has 11. i know of 5 and i am checking them out.
  6. Thank you , i just see red. I am going to find out how many propertys he is letting, it will take me approx 2 weeks, I will find out if he has any assets.
  7. Tinkers, I am sorry if you are not the tinkers solicitors who did have my paperwork.
  8. Tinkers did have my paperwork, i just want to know what dealings they had with FG, and why they pulled out so suddenly, they are as im told a good law firm , was FG about to pull them in to, when we suddenly got the police involved. Any good law firm would at a glance see that these Affidavits are a crock of s**t, but they dident, why , easy its a good earner. What route was tinker going to take, there was no route only 1 in 50 will make it. IF THAT, this i was told at court. MONEY..................
  9. Hi caroline2009, are you asking me , did she say she had your paperwork.
  10. Hi, Can i ask tinkers, what were you doing with my paper work, had you to had meetings wiyh FG. You had had these papers for 2 or 3 weeks, You returned them to natasha with nothing done, why... My wife and i rang the police and the officer came to my home , this was around the same time you had my paper work. We gave him the lot, he returned and in writing said nothing could be done, go down the route of the moj..
  11. Mr Ferencz Laszio galler, this is his real name.......
  12. Well i hope we get both, only time will tell. from what i have seen here in england, not much chance. If the money is abroad in spain, or where ever, it would be nice to find it.
  13. Hi all, well he did not turn up, I did, and found out that this man just lies and lies. I cannot , well i can understand that we all want to blame some one , natasha sorry not the one, she to has been taken in by mr FG. If you have been in the company of mr FG then you will undrestand, he is the best at what he does. This man has no money in this country, FACT. He may have money abroad , but not here. FG is the only one to blame. As i have said how many of us are there . 2500 as mr FG said x £2400 average person is what.................. But where is the money not here. FACT and i have the proof..........
  14. Hi FG does not care. There is only 1 person to blame for this and that is FRANK GALLER, no one else, this man is good at what he does, so we should be. Sorry he has done this to you .. regards
  15. I do hope we meet, this one will get away.......... but not from me.. please all there are a lot of people hurting, we meet, we find out the facts...... and i will do my home work on FG, IM sure he is reading this..... HI FG...
  16. Then they can all say good bye to any chance of any justice........ I work 14 hours a day to pay what he has done to me, i will take the time out to meet, we all have to or say goodbye..... remember he is not british and has no ties, as he qoutes, when in england he is english, when in spain he is spainish, when in hungry, HOMELAND, i am hungairian, and so on........ IK do hope we all meet soon............
  17. To all, this is why we need to all meet up. I do not under eatimate FG as he is a bright man, if i was to say i would be in serious trouble. I do not lie and, that it why i am after this man, he is a disguting lier who doesent give a toss about anyone. I feel bad about all of this and have lost a close freind because of FG. I agree with no secret messages,not right, and i trust no one any more... sorry..regards. rush1
  18. yes i am , he will not turn up, thats how he works, but he will have to come back....... this man is clever or so he thinks. to act fast we should all meet, because i beleive he will go soon. there is a problem but i cannot say on this site...
  19. yes he was i missed him a week ago, and yes he was hiding from me , so he should.............
  20. Hi talk to your creditors and make them an offer, i made an offer of £40 per card per month, some are nice, some are not so understanding, but once with a breff , you could end up like me and have £30,000 attached to your home. you should act soon.good luck, regards rush1
  21. Hi senor. please excuse my spelling, I have spoken to frank in tesco"s carpark this week and he was not the person i new from a few months ago. I beleive the money has gone abroad, because i have made it my mission to find out all about his lies. I have to be carefull what i say but, he hasent got all what he says, i think his assets are abroard or he has been living the high life. I have checked out some of his rented propertys and will check out more the weekend, if he has sold them or if they are still rented. Im going to say this, Frank galler has told me that he taken suit cases of money abroad but , is this just another lie. I am suppose to meet FG before 1pm friday, i hope he turns up. we all need to meet to speed this up. regards rush1.
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