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Everything posted by rush1

  1. The police will sort it out, we give them the info..
  2. I think senor, that they had so many calls from this they gave it back to fraud sqaud. well done all... we need more...
  3. HI they will want copys of all paper work from...
  4. Hi senor, if you have passed this info to moj, could you please do so with ipswich police again. Just to be sure. Thanks
  5. Keep paying them, lots of us dident we owe a lot more now....
  6. Hi mum, and welcome, yes please ring them ......
  7. HI, The moj have passed all complaints back to Ipswich police. fraud dept. 01473 613776 or 01473 613876. They want as much information as poss". They need you all to give information ASAP.. anything you have please.
  8. Hi james how are you . found new letting agents, i will call them tommorrow.
  9. Hi that was interesting reading. FLG is the inventor of this , he showed me and others before he had met natasha. I am not here to defend her but , its the truth. FLG. better known as f****** little gremlin, has ripped us all off. I still beleive he had good intentions to clear these cards. Other companys are doing this . My wife made the phone call to the police after i made the threat. Things were going wrong but ,FLG phoned me from spain and still i beleived him , i ended up in court. I have found out that FLG is just an obbessed liar. He has approx 11 propertys, I have been to 5 of them today, another on monday, and found out more crap on him. I do not care if he sees this as he knows who i am , I hope you are watching FLG i am right up you a*** and, i wont let go . YOU have made my wife very ill, and i will see you in court. You owe money to everyone, you have changed you letting agents and not paid you bills. If FLG or anyone who wants to defend him are on here ,solicitors or who ever, come after me , i have a surprise for you.....
  10. Im off to bed. All the info you can find. I will find the crap on FG, i need big help the legal way, and i will take it to a good solicitor. As caroline2009 said he cannot take your soul......... But please dont loose sleep. things come right in the end... god bless......................
  11. He is very good, brilliant, at what he has done. BUT he needed more from what i have seen , greed, desperate , serious money prob"s, maybe to please his wife, i dont know. Many people will not come forward, i wish they would. It will be a long road but , i will check things out tomm. Its alot of money he took, i hope there is some for the people who have been hardist hit. hope your ok..
  12. FG did believe he could clear all cards, but things came to a grinding halt. he has to face the music... Fly me to the moon , i will build a rocket to get you .. lol.
  13. No i dont give a s**t and he is the one who took my money and trust . he does not look himself , he is in massive dedt. go to hell FG .
  14. Is FG a pilot , i spoke to pilot today and he was gentleman, he has been done by FG and he beleives not , nor do i. lies. I will go to a solicitors and pay, i havent much but for you FG its worth it.. i need info , anything, good thinking caroline2009. I would of gone round and ....well....not now. lets nail this ba***rd the legal way, only need to find money if any. nothing here in england..
  15. once i here from the guy in spain i will do some more home work on FG. What i have seen is not good...
  16. yes he did, i dident ring him. I was writing a cheque for £5000 to start a business, and he rang me to qoute for a job, i told him this , he round in 30 mins. i was not in dedt, had a good life, £15,000, on cards not much today. I had never missed any payments in my life, worked bloody hard and, played hard. He put his arm on my shoulder and said , they are high street cards, no prob"s. gave him £2400 that week. He told me to take the money from the card, i did, and more loans and here i am. broke . but im still here and what goes around comes around.. TRUST ME.. we will get him. I always wander if his wife knows.........My wife to he told her to shop til you drop, she is so ill over this. .....but stay focused any info.
  17. There are people out there who do not want to get hurt, and i dont blame them. He asked me if i would run and take care of his propertys here in england because i was someone he could trust . He has done this to others and they need to stay on the side line.
  18. I worked for FG on his houses. He was very pleased with my work , impressd i must say. He always paid on time and i had no trouble. He told me he was a 747 pilot, i had no reason not to beleive him and ,in general talk he said he had many houses. 4 in spain, 4 in america, hence where the idea came from. I may be a common man but i dont miss much, ecept FG con man.
  19. I understand caroline, try to get info please, regards
  20. Please everyone stop..... WE WANT FG.. get focused.
  21. I agree, We are all hurting, but we need to move fast. Someone in spain is sending me info.. caroline2009 you sound a very bright lady and need to be on board. anything you can on this man.
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