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Everything posted by bilious

  1. It's her sister that's unwell sorry and she needs to be with her, so if she Isnt there this is going to stuff us is it not,have a feeling I've lost this already. It's her sister that's unwell sorry and she needs to be with her, so if she Isnt there this is going to stuff us is it not,have a feeling I've lost this already. Am sorry she really doesn't want to be there.
  2. Monday is the deadline for the ws and paperwork today for the n244 forms..
  3. But have had no paperwork from either of them so can't put in those n244 forms today will be reliant on the witness statement and docs only is that right.
  4. But hang the co is only against me, how can they go for 100% may as well quit now then?
  5. Ahh there we have a problem she'll be away at her sisters as she's very unwell what happens now.
  6. So she doesn't need to send in a witness statement or have to attend I can therefore do it. Is that right?
  7. Just me donkey but they sent her mirror forms as she's joint owner all debts in my name only.
  8. Thank you for all that!!! as i've said i have asked their sols last night for a stay so will see what i get first thing the last email they've said they will not be using any statements just referring to the charging order itself ( is that just being smug or are they up to something..) still nothing from court or from them paperwise so it's just going to have to be witness statements with all supporting documentation? Again will the ws you've sent me be adequate for my witness statement?(the charging order!) with supporting docs? And my wife is worried about her ws! so is it imperative she puts one in? Thank you both for your help! And here's the reply from the sols.. "Dear sir Thank you for your recent email. Please note that our client is not prepared to adjourn the charging order hearing that is to take place on 24th February 2011. If you wish to object to the to the charging order being made final we suggest that you attend the hearing. If you require help in understanding any of the proceedings that have been taken against you we suggest that you seek your own independent legal advice." So i guess thats a no then! Also to get a copy to them by 4pm on Monday as well as the court can I email it to them? Any advice on if my wife definitely needs a ws in please?
  9. Hi there mould still nothing paperwise from the court or the sols their email will be pasted in a while for you to look at.. if no post tomorrow morning with paperwork from either it looks like its going to be witness statements only. Would that lovely post above be a good enough ws for the charging order? And my wife cannot find the envelope that the hearing relocation came in and no post date on the other envelope just first brown letter. And she has now bless her! asked me does she really need to put in a witness statement!!! Have emailed the sold asking for a stay on proceedings. Let's see.
  10. I have drafted the first n244 but originally it had the mercantile case in it, do i now just delete that? (well obviously..) And what do i put in it's place!! And no, no further documentation! Spoke to a nice girl at the court didn't have a clue as to what was going on got very flustered and 4 times now the court manager is unavailable!!! hmmmmmm And i wish i knew what happened to mine else i might not be in this mess Stanley!!! And obviously with time against me vis-a-vis paperwork what happens if i can't get my n244's in by Wednesday? will it just be my witness statement and docs i rely on?
  11. Have got in touch with the court and they have posted the stuff to me, when I get it so will you. Oh and transfer was 25th October the court has said 18th November notifications went out which neither got or maybe they did and didn't bother.. Ok am i still using the mercantile vs etc for my first n244 form? Getting bit confused now lol!!! and if not what are my grounds for the objection now??? And more importantly is the 14th my very last day for filing all of these?
  12. Thanks for all this help just need my timelines now when's the latest for the n244's to be in followed by the witness statements? And all the documentation? Have emailed for the docs but will wait for an answer, original limit was 7,500 they then increased it twice up to 10,200 the rest is interest etc. My other ccj is 20 per month and other creditors in talks with but minimal payments at the moment. That any help.
  13. Hi guys if i do lose this hearing for the final co what do i ask for to stop the forced sale of the house (can't have wife and two young children on the street!) and if i can only afford what i've been paying will that be accepted again? cos mbna don't seem happy with whatever they are granted and can they charge interest on this?
  14. Telephoned the court got a bit of a run around but they said they will look into it have asked for all the documents and a copy of their complaints procedure (that ok?) the debt is for a credit card my name only, have been in this house for 5 1/2 years and yes equal amount on the deposit Also had a letter back from the land registry saying that my objection is groundless under section 73(6) of land registry act 2002 and are therefore obliged to complete this application which will be done 12 noon feb 2011 My wife has freaked out at this now and have tried to calm her down saying we haven't lost yet. but have to admit this doesn't look good for us.. So mould i know my first n244 is complete! am i still going to put these in? can't do anything without the paperwork which they don't seem to want to give to me (wonder why?) and should i put my witness staement in the same format as my wifes i believe these all have to be in the court by monday 14th latest???
  15. Hi guys thanks for the input as i've said have contacted the court and they will get on to the matter, as for the sols i can copy and paste the reply by e-mail.:- Dear sir Thank you for your recent email, the contents of which have been duly noted. Please find attached a copy of our application for charging order, a copy of the official copy of register of title and the interim charging order. These are the documents that will be used by our agent at the charging order hearing on 24th February 2011. Please note that we are not obliged to furnish you with our application for redetermination of the judgment or any supporting documentation. If you wish to have the courts decision to redetermine the judgment over turned we suggest you seek your own independent legal advise. Basically and as i'm not a banana isn't that a two finger salute??? So at the moment mould (thank you for you time it really is appreciated.) and that goes for all of you!! i'll get the witness statements typed up and ready obviously mine are going to be a bit different? and hold on these n244 forms?
  16. i know, thanks for that just need help in filling out my n244 forms now and my witness statement and get them in as soon as..
  17. Thanks for that just a thought (silly one though it was!!) just seems that i have good case against this but heart of hearts i feel i'll be stitched up by said court again, obviously very low today!! Thanks coledog have indeed phoned them before and came off the phone absolutely fuming with the guy is spoke to! all they were interested in was taking over my payments to the cc companies!! And the chap was completely unsympathetic to me ( you earn this much you should be able to pay blah blah..)
  18. Here's my next thought, and much as i hate to voice this one. what about bankruptcy before this hearing goes ahead? i know it's shared ownership not much if any equity will have to check on that but don't want to lose my home or possessions for this any ideas on this please? bit low today as you can see!
  19. Don't think so first was from nhbcc they set the payment according to my i&e this one is a typo as that dj isn't on the list i presume its williams not willans as they've got..
  20. Ahh have already sent of the letter to the courts requesting those docs? too late... seems stupid i must give them everything yet they say i can't have anything lol...
  21. can copy and paste up what they've put on the e-mail if you want, sounds quite arrogant actually it's the this is all we need etc etc..
  22. I believe there was no provision for a co andy just 16 days to appeal which they did! tried to transfer it to a court near them i got it transfered back to my local court looks like a redetermination was held without either of us knowing, dj overruled the installment order which i haven't defaulted on, for a forthwith which they then went and got an ico, (again knew nothing of this till it arrived in the post 3 weeks after the hearing...) Make sense? Oh and its about 11k for all the dca's and sols peeking in.. http://i980.photobucket.com/albums/ae289/tuvelpit69/Interim/Originaljudge.jpg that's the original one..
  23. Nope mine are the lovely gentleman ( can't do sarcasm on keyboard.) from optima.
  24. Hmmm be stuffed with me then, because am happy to stay here!!!!! another worry is if they get this ico into a final co are they going to try and get payments higher than i can afford?
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