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Posts posted by honeybee13

  1. I'm pleased for you, FBC. Chalk it up to experience and try to take advice or check bus routes at the weekend if you're in that situation again. Do you have colleagues who live near you and know about buses or trains, if they apply? They might even give you a lift. :)


    Move on with your life and your degree now. My best.

    • Haha 1
  2. I have a supplementary question please.


    If Ms J sends in this excellent letter, how will she stand with a future employer if the grievance is ongoing with the old firm? And would it impact on her reference?


    Ms J, I think you mentioned continuing in the same business at some point. I think you should set up in competition and take all the business. If he's like that with staff, I wonder how he is with customers or clients?

  3. Hi. I just looked at HMRC's website and it says that a BR tax code means that the whole of your income is taxed at the basic rate. They say it's mostly used for second jobs and people who are in receipt of a pension plus other income.


    If you're saying you don't have any income or savings, I don't see why they should apply this tax code to you. You really need to speak to them and see what they think your financial position is.


    Please keep us posted.

  4. Hello there.


    The first thing is not to panic. Tax codes are calculated wrong all the time. OH's payroll people are on the phone to HMRC every day, sorting out this stuff. My own code usually takes a few attempts for them to get right each year.


    There is an amount of income everyone is entitled to tax-free, currently £6475, I believe. They call it a Personal Allowance. If your income is below that, then normally no tax should be taken off.


    BR reads to me like Basic Rate [20%], but I would check this on the HMRC website, or on your statement that might explain it.


    Does it say what your Personal Allowance is anywhere on their letter? I assume it's from HMRC, or is the the Jobseekers people.


    There could easily be a misunderstanding over your financial position, or wrong information was fed into the computer. The best thing would be for you to ring them and discuss this. Stay calm and just say you don't understand and can they explain it please?


    If you do overpay, then you're entitled to have the money back, but you want the money now, don't you? :)


    Let us know how it goes, or if you need more info.


    My best.

  5. Hi upnorthal. I really wouldn't beat yourself up too much over this. I suspect you might have been swept along by the euphoria of buying a new car [hope I got that right] and the salesperson made the most of it to persuade you their GAP insurance would be a good idea. I guess they weren't obliged to tell you if the policy was competitive or not.


    I've done it myself in the past over extended guarantees, for instance and now leave them alone. I don't mean to hijack your thread here.


    You might have been able to cancel the GAP insurance within the 'cooling off' period, but I'm out of touch with all this, so don't take my word for it.


    You have learned a valuable lesson though, and hopefully next time you will be a bit more wary.

  6. Hello. Your situation certainly sounds complex. Is there by any chance a charity or organisation that helps people with your condition? Often, they are in a good position to advise you.


    You may well be covered by the DDA if your condition comes under the criteria for disablement. A bit of googling could get you some more information and hopefully someone else with more knowledge will be along.

    • Haha 1
  7. Hi there. I've been in this situation and would definitely agree that people coming to your daughter's house is a complete nono.


    I think there's another thread about interview whilst off sick from today or tomorrow, on this forum. I don't think [subject to confirmation] that they're allowed to do this. And of course it will make your daughter's condition worse.


    I don't know if asking them to deal by letter, say, would work, but I would be trying to keep them at arm's length for my own sanity, whatever their intentions are.

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