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sad man_07

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Everything posted by sad man_07

  1. I agree 100% Ell-enn but I think it shows many on how HR should not be done and more amazing is that it was done by a large company with large resources
  2. Thanks for the replies so far. Connif I have to say I did not get any receipt from either him as an individual or the company. Buzby it is as thought that I will need to deal with him as an individual and great advice on the sealant etc I will sugest this to him.
  3. wow what a thread !! I am so pleased that you have made this stance against this un-named supermarket DBC as the teatment of your husband is disgraceful. Secondly well done to all the posters on here who have offered invaluable advice to DBC on this issue and I am sure helped many other people like me understand HR mnagement better. (p.s. Lets hope the supermarket who I don't know the name of have also learnt from this too)
  4. We had our front windows replaced 3 years ago with new PVC ones. These were provided by someone who we knew personally and ran a succesful conservatory business. However all payments were made directly to him and not the business. Since having them installed we have had countless problems with them leaking and the guy has been out on several occasions and applied more silicone around the edge of the windows in an attempt to seal them. After the recent rains they have leaked again. I have contacted the guy who manufactured and installed the windows to complain about the ongoing problem. His response this time was basically we have done all we can to try an resolve the issues and there is nothing more that they can do. My question is now do I have any legal recourse to his company which he owns or do I have to persue him individually bearing in mind how the payments were made. If someone has an answer then it would be very much apprecited and also how would I start the ball rolling. Many Thanks
  5. I am sorry for being so blunt but if the job no longer suits you then find another job. Reading your post I think the company you work for has accomodated you very well and don all it can to bring you back into the comoany at the same level that you were before your illness. I cannot see why the company should pay you any redundancy if you want to leave. So like I say if you no longer wnat to do this work then resign and find a job you are happy with
  6. Sorry to bump this to the top but has anyone who has read this post any information for us please
  7. I think you could be missing a point here yes. If I undrstand it correctly a customer of the company the OP is employed at called the company for assistance. The OP decided he would do this job himself as he was mearly finished for the day (5.30pm). It would appear that the OP believed he was correct to make profit from this job himself after putting back £20 worth of diesel into the van. If I have understood this correctly then I am inclined to agree with the manager that it was indeed theft of £80 worth of profit. The contract for the work should had been undertaken by he company and not the individual as the company was the one that was contacted not the individual. If this happened all the time then the company would go bus as no profits would be made and the employees would get rich by pocketing it all
  8. Hi Andy You appear a little happier now you seemed to have resolved the money issue but how do you feel about losing your job? I have just been through an employment tribunal with my wife and although the tribunal acknowledged that the company woked for had a real reason fro redundancy they where found guilty of being in breach of procedures to ensure a fair selection and my wife was awarded £3,000 for this. It would appear from your OP that there was no consulation and no right of appeal which is even worse. I would look to take advice on this mate as from the information you have given it would appear you have a case for automatic unfair dismissal
  9. My Wife has just lost most of her claim at a ET apart from some small compensation due to the employer not following the procedure correctly. We are angry about the decision as we feel that some of the evidence put forward by the employer was factually incorrect and that they even committed perjury. How do we prove this and how do we go about appealing and if anyone has done something similar how expensive and easy was it to do. All replies are appreciated as at the moment we feel let down by the system as well as the employer.
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