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Everything posted by mranother

  1. Wow, there are two different rates!!!! Under key financial information the rate is 34.1% you are both quite correct. Then under other financial info (as per my quote and previous post) it is 31.0%, this is very confusing!?!?!?!?!!
  2. Thanks for the post. No it's not a money claim online from northampton. It's a claim that has been done locally at the Lowestoft court, just down the road from where I live. Would you like to see the court papers, I have those in pdf format also??? I have just checked the photo version of the t & C's that I took, this is slightly clearer and has enabled me to zoom a bit more. If, we are referring to the box entitled other financial information then the rate is 31.0%. The line reads "This interest has been calculated in adverse (i think that the right word :s) by applying the rate of 31.0% per annum to the anticipated...blah blah blah". Just checking my documents now, and as per their last letter the agreement was terminated on the 27th December 2009. However, I didn't receive their letter until well into the new year!! Many thanks indeed. MrA
  3. Have just read the court papers, and if I want to make a defence, I must submit this withing 14 days fromw what I understand...does this sound about right???
  4. Here are the direct links of the first two pages of the T & C docs, just in case they are a bit clearer; http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af68/olly_22/tc1-1.png http://i994.photobucket.com/albums/af68/olly_22/tc2-1.png
  5. And yes the cost of the car...amount of credit was £8995.
  6. Ok, here goes; In answer to your earlier post Postggj, the APR is 31% if my eyes serve me correctly. As you can see the quality of these docs really is shocking, especially the one that I signed at the car dealers...as in the fax BCT sent, and then the car dealer sent back!!!????
  7. Ok, thanks for the post, I will upload the pdf doc shortly once taken ou all the details...the "agreement" really isnt much better than the pics lol.
  8. I am also wondering if there is anything in my agreement that i have that i can contest. Eg, there are parts of the terms etc i.e. with regards to gap insurance and stuff that have been signed by them, but never signed by me and I didnt see the docs. The doc that I signed, was a document faxed to the car dealer, where I signed it and he then faxed it back????
  9. I now have all the docs, they have been sent to me as pdf's, so can provide any info people may need. Would be very grateful for any help. Thanks so much, MrA
  10. I have updated this original thread for the sake of continutity and a chain. Can anyone help???? thanks
  11. After posting last on here, I have been very busy atc, but managed to send off the Subject access request. I have got a huge amount of documents back...but nothing with regards to whether the payments I have made have gone to a third party (suggestion from a cagger - postgg). I am currently abroad for work (only a little though), yesterday came the Subject access request (within the time allowed) and then today came the court summons for the 28th April. I really do not know what to do now, and whether I have a leg to stand on or what!!!! All these document, the summons and being out of the country is all pretty overwhelming!!!! I am sure that for people to help me out, I need to post docs on here, but I've no idea where to start!!! So please, please, please can someone give me some advice so I can get things clear in my head and start progressing with this in a structured manner!!! Thanks, muchly. MrA
  12. As per the title really. After posting last on here, I have been very busy atc, but managed to send off the Subject Access Request. I have got a huge amount of documents back...but nothing with regards to whether the payments I have made have gone to a third party (suggestion from a cagger - postgg). I am currently abroad for work (only a little though), yesterday came the SAR (within the time allowed) and then today came the court summons for the 28th April. I really do not know what to do now, and whether I have a leg to stand on or what!!!! All these document, the summons and being out of the country is all pretty overwhelming!!!! I am sure that for people to help me out, I need to post docs on here, but I've no idea where to start!!! So please, please, please can someone give me some advice so I can get things clear in my head and start progressing with this in a structured manner!!! Thanks, muchly. MrA
  13. On the 3rd December 2009 I subcribed online to a "Tracker" account for a temporary "free trial" period of 4 weeks. Bascially this Tracker account would give you alerts to construction projects (or whatever you selected) and these said alerts would then get automatically sent to your email inbox. If you did not cancel within the four weeks - it was unknown to me that you would then be sent an invoice for a years subcription. This has been done by BIP solutions - who are now demanding approx £1K. Although I was not aware of the yearly subcription etc, I sent both an email and a letter on the 15th December 2009 to cancel the subscription, as I no longer needed the "service" because I was leaving/left the company I was working for at the time. The company I used to work for owe be back dated salary. Finally I ahve come to an agreement with the compny I used to work for with regards to the amount owed, however they will not release the money until this issue with BIP solutions is sorted!!! My issues I have now is that BIP Solutions are surprise surprise claiming that I havent sent an email nor a letter to cancel the subscription. I have now sent them the orginal email as an attachment to show that I did, and currently I am being fobbed with the excuse - "we need to confirm we have actually received this sir". Due to their antics so far, I am half expecting them to turn around and say they didnt receive anything!!!!!! Therefore they will be demanding the full invoice amount no doubt. Since cancelling the agreement, I also have not signed into the account so as not to use their so-called "service". I do not have a copy of the term and conditions, the link attached is all that I seem to find at the moment. delta marketing I a still waiting to hear back from them, but due to the reports already about this company...am expecting the worse. Can any one suggest what the possible next step is?? Thanks, MrA Edit - Just to add, at the end of the 4-week free trial period and before the 1 year period started I did not get a notification to ask if I wanted to continue with their shoddy service.
  14. Really thats quite interesting. I assume that the SAR is the same for a HP agreement as it is for any other credit agreement?? How will it show up that there are undisclosed commission payment??
  15. Thanks for the reply. No I haven't done yet?? Wasn't sure if it was worth doing one after they sent me a so-called copy of my terms and conditions a week or so ago. I will do this tomorrow. Any other ideas?? Many thanks, Mr
  16. Bump!!! I really appreciate any help that can be offered. MrA
  17. Anyone - I cant stop worrying about this. Many thanks, MrA
  18. Thinking about it - if there are any steps that I should take, then I would like to do so before they do. Many thanks, Mr A
  19. I really cant do without the car at the moment!!! If I had a full time job then that would be a different story. So, so far, from what I understand, these are my options - please correct me if I am wrong; 1) A Voluntary termination - car goes back, I have no car, no money to buy a new car - thats it, jobs a carrot, everything all sorted. 2) They cannot reposess through a collector as I ahve paid more tha 50% of the agreement title - I therefore currently should not sign anything. 3) They could now possibly apply to court for a repo - which would mean I would have to give the car back, but every penny that I have paid to them I would get back. This would then allow me to buy another car. 4) When they apply to court for a repo, I can then apply for more time to pay, meaning that I get to keep the car. 5) Is there anything else that they might try - debt collectors perhaps?? Would I also be correct to assume that there is nothing "wrong" with the agreement that I ahve with them?? Many thanks everyone - it is something that I worry about every morning. MrA
  20. What is and how does a voluntary termination work??? So apart from them going to court for a repo, is there any other way I would get my money back?? If I give the car back, I will be without a car for work and job interviews and do not have the funds to buy a new one. Many thanks
  21. They phoned me up to arrange a repo!!! The guy who I spoke to was actually quite helpful!!! He said that he had been asked to collect the car but he couldn't simply take it, I would have to sign it over. I told him no, I wasn't going to sign it over - so does that now mean they will try and take out a court order now??? Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it!
  22. What do I want - as in would I prefer the car or the money??? The car is great and id amazing nick, however the money right now would be a lot better!!!! What do you recommend??
  23. Total payable is £14,320, I have paid so far £7,413. I really do hope someone can help!
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