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Everything posted by mranother

  1. Hi all, ok defense needs to be in by Friday 26th March. The default notice did have both my address and the creditors address on it. The date of the default notice was the 13th November 2009, and the date of the letter was also the same - the 13th November 2009. I then received the a final demand on the 30th November, followed by the termination of agreement on the 23rd December 2009. Let me know if youn require any further info, many many thanks. MrA
  2. Just a quick note - i got a bit carried away with the rubbing out. on the first page attached - the date should read November 13th 2009. Massive thanks.
  3. Ok, Many thanks! Here is the last default notice i received. I'm not sure if this makes any difference, however, after receiving this last default notice, I then continued to receive further default sums etc - then obviously the final cancellation notice.
  4. Hi Postggj, my apologies if I have caused any problems. I really appreciate everything you are doing. I still am away until tomorrow, however I will get a family member to phone the court and find out the date. I am pretty sure though that it is this Friday the 26th March. With regards to the default notice - I assume that you mean the last one issued with regards to rectifying the default sums - if so I will post this up in just a minute. Many many thanks, MrA
  5. Hi all - now back in the realms of modern technology!!! Ok, Postggj, is there anything you need me to post which will assist the defense - I understand you are extremely busy, but I would love to be able to go through this with you soon, so I can also get a good understanding of what is also being said. Thanks everyone, and especially postggj for all their help so far. MrA
  6. Ok, just to reiterate and confirm a few things; 1. When I signed up to the BIP soulutions tracker, I was aware that if you did not want to continue with the service you would have to cancel it within the 4 week trial period, otherwise the "account" would continue. 2. Subsequently I was also aware that I would be charged, however, I was not aware that the charge would be a whole years sum in one invoice - I was under the impression that it would be a monthly thing. 3. When subscribing to the account, I was not provided with the details of a specific account manager, so any contact through email would then have to be done so through a generic email address. Nor when joining the account/service was I at any point given or forwarded a copy of the terms and conditions. 4. When the 4 week free trial period was coming to an end, there was no reminder that this was the case...this naturally seems quite convenient. 5. On the 15th December, a mere two weeks after the trial period had begun, my circumstances changed, and I therefore cancelled the agreement both by letter and by email (as per the BIP terms) 6. Much to my surprise, I then received a bill in Janaury for a years subscription. 7. I then contacted the company, where I was then told that no letter was received, nor was there an email - hmmmm, considering past complaints from other people I was not surprised by this. It all seemed pretty convenient!!! 8. I then, over the course of approx 2 weeks had to constantly phone BIP, forward the original emails, etc etc. I only ever received feedback when I contacted them, only twice were my calls returned, and each time I was told that they still hadn't confirmed that the email was received!!! The only time I could finally prove that the email was sent was when I provided the orginal email from source...however, even then this still took 4 days for them to confirm it. I was lucky, persistent and because of the type of person I am, I had covered my tracks and could prove that I had cancelled the account. However, this took over two weeks to sort out, I was doing all the leg work when I had adhered to their terms and conditions of cancellation and was also put in an extremely difficult situation. I know there are a lot of people who have not been as fortunate as I. The customer service, is unreliable and unhelpful - to the point that I am quite sure they were hoping I would simply go away and forget about the whole thing. In my honest opinion, to save yourself the heart ache and hastle do not sign up to one of these account. It is just is not worth it.
  7. Just a quick note for postggj, I understand that we have still got plenty of time to submit the defense, however, I am going to be away for a few days and prob will not have internet access - so before I go is there any further info that you require from me?? Can't help but feel a bit nervous about the whole thing now. Many thanks for everything, MrA
  8. Ok thanks d4g. Yeah was just a random thought I had been having. Postggj is very kindly drawing a defense up for me - which I am quite sure will be extremely good. MrA
  9. Have just been thinking - what are the likely outcomes when submitting a defense, hypothetically that is?? For example if the agreement really was that bad, and my defense submitted shows all of these issues...would there be a chance that BCT wouldn't even then continue to press the court case?? Thanks all, MrA
  10. Ok, so the form has now been sent to the CC by recorded mail. So I now have 14 days to submit my defense against the dark realms lol. Many thanks for everyones help so far. Postggj, how is the defense coming along, do you need any further info from me??? Thanks, MrA
  11. The form has now been completed and is all ready to be sent on the 12th by recorded. MrA
  12. OK, many thanks for the post debt4get, and congrats to you RIQ123, this truly is a great and very helpful forum. MrA
  13. Hi all, I am just about to fill in the form with regards to the claim that BCT is making against. Taking into consiedration the fact that I am going to be defending the claim, I assume (of the papers I have been sent), that I only need to fill in the actual acknowledgment part for now filling in my intentions, then fill in and submit the other appropriate part of the forms when I submit my defense?? Many thanks everyone. MrA
  14. Does the default amount also include the arrears??? All very confusing!! Do I have a good/strong case, and what do you think the outcome will be?? T, MrA
  15. Yes, I still have the car...in fact, it is currently at a garage having a couple of bits done to it. The charges on this account are also huge - letters at £25 per pop, and the amounto defaults they have issed....jeeshhhh
  16. Ok, account statements below; Is there anything else that you require so far?? Thanks, MrA
  17. Yes I have. In fact I've either paid half, or just over, or jsut under, something like that. Ok will do the payment schedule now. Thanks
  18. A massive massive thanks pggj. Just how bad is this agreement???
  19. Have just updated the above. Do you need my repayment history structure also, I have this to hand. Many thanks.
  20. Ok, so here goes; Key Financial information; Amount of credit; £8,995 Total amount payable; £14,320 First Instalment; £355.00 Payment totals = 40 payments of £355.00, with a final payment of £475.00 GAP Insurance £355.00 including premium tax of £16.90 APR 34.1% Other Financial information; Total cash price of vechicle incl VAT; £8,995 Deposit; £0.00 Total charge for credit; £5,325 Made up of - Arangement fee; £400 Option fee; £120 Interest; £4,805 Under this part of the agreement, I quote "The interest has been calculated in advance by applying the rate of 31% per annum Defaule charges; Letter charges £25 Cancellation £75 Early settlement figures; One quarter; £7869.46 One Half; £5886.56 Three quarters; 3281.38
  21. No havent acknowledged anything yet, as the papers came to my home address (suffolk) and I am currently away. I think they arrived at my home address on the 5th March, the issue date on the form is the 3rd March and the hearing date is the 26th April. Is this what you are looking for?? Many thanks for your help so far postggj.
  22. Will it have been included within all the documents provided by the subject access request I did??? With regards to the GAP this is the only doc I have; I will quickly check all the other docs!
  23. No I don't have any other insurance and deffo no PPI. Many thanks,
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