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Everything posted by melope

  1. They aint gonna give in easy whu1 __________ Accident injury claim compensation, injury claim uk, personal injury accident claim uk, personal injury claim no win no fee, no win no fee claim, accident compensation claim
  2. Thanks for the info underdog I have decided to submit a case against MBNA as well.
  3. In my past experiences when you try to pursue a claim further against some of these companies even though they admit there guilt when it comes to the court they do bend the truth and lie etc to defend their reputation no matter how much the payout. If you have got the right kind of proof like how you lost £60 in damages etc a watertight case then thats good. However just be wary. _____________________
  4. This happens to alot of people and CPW have alot of these complaints etc. It all depends on what kind of evidence you have documents, recorded calls etc. _____________________
  5. Take the £25 if they decide to fight you you could end up paying them or the courts. _____________________
  6. All Gordon Browns fault the FSA didnt keep the banks in check and this is what happens. Never trust banks. _____________________ UK Claim Services Best Personal Injury Solicters Around
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