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Everything posted by squirlyline

  1. Hi, Was wondering if anyone could help me to make a decision regarding a PCN I received for parking on a hardly perceivable 'single yellow' which I have since informally contested with Barnet Council and on which I have been rejected. Firstly I have to confess a slight naïvety when I parked the car, not having been a regular driver in the UK, and I followed a 'common-sense' logic which may have been in error. However, having read around here and generally online, I believe I may still have a case; I just need a more experienced opinion. When I found the supposed parking spot I could see no obvious line markings on that part of the road. In front of me was an obvious double-yellow to the end of the road. when I stepped out of the car I looked to see if there were any road markings or signs, and could make out only the faintest jagged and broken line which had only the slightest yellow trace in it in a few places. I understood, perhaps mistakenly, that this could not be a functional marking (even if it had been) as a person of lesser visual acuity could probably miss it altogether (though I guess you could argue that such a person may not be allowed to hold a licence). Anyway, on returning a 15 odd mins later I found the PCN and took some photos with my phone camera to appeal to the council. I did see one sign plonked at the end of the road significantly far down on the double yellow line giving a no waiting symbol and some time restriction which I misinterpreted to apply only to the 'double yellow' and have since learnt about the CPZ concept. However, I believe the principle of the argument should still apply if the line is not readily discernible. After being rejected I finally managed to see someone at an citizens' advisory service (not the CAB tho'). The guy there suggested I might be up for a 50/50 chance (and in his experience possibly less, especially being Barnet) if adjudicated (he said it would probably be based on how the adjudicator felt after having his breakfast)and of course I would have to wear the full £100 cost at that stage if I lost. Could anyone tell me if they think I might actually have a leg to stand on, on viewing the below link of my photos and those of the council's CEO (from my rejection letter) and even one taken whilst passing the road on foot yesterday showing a fragmented, 'dry' line, against the wetter ground, almost devoid of colour. Picasa Web Albums - Gargleblasted - PCN - parking... Thanks in advance
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