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Everything posted by mkb

  1. Blimey, they really are dumb aren't they? This whole saga is because of mis-sold PPI which they deny & is currently with FOS. Termination followed by default notice then today the following!! You REALLY couldn't make it up!!!!!!!!!!
  2. If they state that you wanted PPI, ask then to supply the demands & needs statement. Your signature will be on there only IF YOU ASKED FOR THE PPI. Think those lovely BH peeps have been very very naughty here so start a line of written communication with them & keep every bit of paperwork you send & receive (as well as the envelopes).
  3. Me too. I have reported it & Marc is aware.
  4. Updating. Court hearing is next week & we got advice from CAB which wasn't particularly helpful & CAG actually know more about it than they did Went to local Council & the guy we saw there was fantastic. He has also confirmed that we will be eligible for mortgage rescue but this is a long drawn-out process so in the meantime he wrote our statement, faxed it to the court & even offered to come with us but also said that he felt we had already got such good advice (from here!!) that we probably wouldn't need him The statement is here in case it helps anyone else: Statement by Mr and Mrs xxxxxxx We agree with the details of the property and the mortgage agreement given in the particulars of claim. On 23/12/09, we had a meeting with xxxxxxxx, a Housing Adviser at xxxxxxxx District Council, who helped us write this statement. He has also offered us ongoing advice to help us to maintain our mortgage payments. This year our income dropped due to a downturn in our business and deterioration to Mrs xxxxxx health. Our business has now ceased. Disability Living Allowance, Carers Allowance and Income Support are now our only income. Our Income Support began on 7/11/09. After 13 weeks (6/2/10) we will be entitled to Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI). This is paid every 4 weeks in arrears, so the first SMI payment should be received by GE Money on approximately 6/3/10. We wrote to GE Money on xx/11/09, that we were in receipt of Income Support and were in our 13 week waiting period before qualifying for SMI payments. However on xx/11/09, GE Money’s solicitors began this claim for possession, which we believe is contrary to the mortgage possession pre-action protocol. We have an interest-only mortgage and are currently liable to pay £686.30 per month based on a fixed interest rate of 5.84% until 12/2/10. From 12/3/2010, interest will be charged at a variable rate, currently 2.89%, and we expect to then be liable for £339.62 per month. The Department for Work and Pensions currently pays SMI at 6.08%. This means that the SMI should cover our ongoing mortgage payments from 12/3/10 and also reduce the arrears. Unfortunately, we cannot commit to make any payments until March, by which time we expect the arrears balance will be £4572.84. We would like to request that we pay our contractual mortgage interest plus £30, starting on 12/3/10. This will clear the arrears in 153 months. The remaining term of the mortgage will be 228 months. Based on the current interest rates, we hope to clear the arrears within in a much shorter period, however we are reluctant to commit to this as we have not yet received a decision on our SMI claim. If the court cannot agree to a payment arrangement of contractual mortgage interest plus £30, we ask that the case be adjourned until after 6/3/10 to allow us time to receive a decision on our SMI. We have also discussed Mortgage Rescue and have begun an application with xxxxxxxxx District Council. This is a second option which we intend to investigate further if the situation cannot be resolved in any other way. We feel that we can keep our home & perversely are looking forward to getting a definitive plan in place ordered by a judge & that we no longer have to allow ourselves to be intimidated by the GE threat monkeys.
  5. Just letting you know that your spam PM to myself & others has been reported to the site team.
  6. Doubtless he & his playschool buddies are teeheeing in the classroom today at their little game. This just goes to show the power of CAG that they feel it necessary to drum up such a scheme in order to try to refute the success of CAG. They certainly live up to their reputation of being the Leeds Losers - so sad.
  7. Well done. Great result for you & good to see that justice has been done
  8. BOTH sets of DN's are invalid whatever they claim since the 1st day of service would have been Friday 19th having allowed 4 business days for postage hence the remedy dates should have been 2nd July The service can only claim to have been by 2nd class post UNLESS THEY HAVE PROOF OF 1st CLASS POST. Banks & the like tend not to keep copies of DN's on file - usually just a reference that one has been sent. Have you sent for a SAR? This should highlight when a DN was sent.
  9. You might find this useful to ensure you have covered everything. National Debtline England & Wales | Personal Budget Sheet Only when you have covered everything else can you then decide how much you can afford to be paying towards the debts. BTW - you are allowed a nominal amount towards haircuts, holidays etc no matter what creditors believe!! You may be in debt but you don't need to give them your self-respect as well as your money.
  10. LOL - I have no idea. (The directions look awfully familiar - pmsl)
  11. Certainly no more than £300 & would suggest that all monies are paid to creditors on a monthly rather than 4-weekly basis. Are you certain that you have £414 left each month on an income of £700? Have you included ALL expenditure other than these debts ie. insurances, TV licence, etc
  12. Replied to your email My case is at stalemate at the mo as **** didn't file their AQ properly (seems to be a nasty habit they have there!) You're NOT a doughnut - just still in panic mode Don't get me wrong, I will be exactly the same when I hear from the court as well When it comes to the defence, there will be help given but by someone who knows what they're doing cos I've not had to do one (yet!)
  13. The directions are for the claimants to comply with hun, not you!! They are ordered to provide these to you within 14 days. You then submit your defence based on what they send.
  14. Bit harsh there DX2! Pretty sure that most of us have been tax payers, some for many years. Some of us have also been subjected to the joys of having to pay additional taxes in the form of corporation tax, employers NIC's etc. In my own case, I was an employee whilst being an employer so paid tax, NIC's for both. I am now too ill to cope with my disability single-handed so my OH is my carer. He had to give up work in order to care for me. In return for HIS carers responsibilities, we get the princely sum of £116.50 Income Support per week as well as £53.10 Carers Allowance per week. Prior to being ill, we paid more than that in tax/NIC's each per week. Imagine though how much more it would cost to care for me if he wasn't around to do it????? Most of us are in the benefits system through no fault of their own so your comments are particularly harsh IMO & I would advise caution before posting such inflammatory remarks.
  15. Not on the south coast it would seem! Dont you know we have a special kind of frost down here? Never a truer word spoken PF
  16. Thanks for your help & hopefully you can now advise further
  17. Well, I must be going mad & we must have been basking in tropical conditions while the rest of the UK was freezing! Just checked the list & we're not eligible
  18. In the absence of any further comments, I will find a solicitor tomorrow who can help but needs to be under legal aid. What does seem ludicrous is that: a) the debt is only £300 b) we're now on income support c) I need much more care with my disabilities so our situation will never improve and d) can't pay it in any case unless judge orders £1 per month
  19. Sorry Seminole - was doing above post before seeing yours!
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