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Everything posted by clemma

  1. Of course! And if they don't reply then the ball is in the OH's hand. Non-compliance is frowned upon
  2. Thanks guys. Until I speak to them tomorrow the OH is only presuming they are parking fines as that is what they told him. I have dug out the letter that they sent in July and it says he owes £7xx.xx for multiple offences in 2007. I did post on here about this http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?265394-Marston-threatening-bailiffs-but-never-received-court-summons&p=3010535, but have heard nothing more until the phone call this morning. So, the debt has reduced by £300 and is also from 2 separate years.....
  3. Yeah, I had a feeling they could not attend the workplace - something to do with not being allowed to embarrass the debtor (or something like that). I understand they have no powers of arrest, but he said he is going to refer it back to the office who will then ask for a warrant to be issued (which takes 2-3 weeks......) He only told him this when the OH pushed for info about the arrest.
  4. This morning my OH received a voicemail from a bailiff saying he owed £4xx.xx for outstanding fines (parking) and must pay today otherwise he will come to his work address (he gave his place of work in the message). I was still at work, so unbeknown to me the OH called him back. Apparently these are from 2001 and 2007. The bailiff said letters had been sent (he has received one, to which he asked for further information and received nothing back - that was a while ago now), but the address they say they had been sent to was his brothers. He was told that if he does not make the full payment today, then he will be arrested. When the OH asked when this would happen, he was told 2-3 weeks..... Anyway, I am going to call the office tomorrow and speak to them after the OH has given his permission for me to do so. Obviously I have told him to accept no liability and to offer them no money. I am going to ask them for the court reference numbers, dates of offences/types of offences etc., and then (if they give the information) I will contact the court. I need to give him some reassurance though that these goons are not going to just turn up at his workplace today and arrest him. As some of this is apparently from 2001 and no attempt to enforce it has been made before, would he have the right to take this to court to get it dealt with - after all, why has it taken 9 years to enforce this so called debt OR if it is a court fine as Marstons say, then does this not apply? Having only ever dealt with DCA's and their threats, the bailiff thing is all new to me. Any help would be appreciated!
  5. Yeah my sister can remember things from when she was very, very young. My parents fostered her when she was 15 months old, but she remembers the time she was at her real parents. She even remembers stopping me learning to walk. Memory is a weird thing!
  6. I'm probably the same as you madwoman, and maybe you're right. Some things may well be best forgotten, but I've been seeking the truth for years, and I'm part way there by finding my sister who left at 15 (and who I hadn't been in contact with again until a few months ago). Haven't been able to get an appointment yet (it's one of those GP's were you can only make an appointment on the day......).
  7. Thanks peeps I have no problems now with my memory - both short term and long term. Everything from age 15 onwards is not so much of a blur - if someone talks about something we did after this age then I remember. It's strange - it's as if I did nothing before I was 14, or I had been asleep all that time so have nothing to remember. I am going to call my GP today and go from there.
  8. Ok, so I will try my GP. When I say I remember nothing, I do mean NOTHING. Photos only show me that I was there, but they do not make me remember. Most people I know remember junior school (or at least their teachers names) and Senior school.....it wasn't years ago. I'm only 31, and this has been an ongoing thing for years now, only now I think I know why I can't remember so it has become an issue for me. Take my OH as an example. We were in the same form at school, I can remember this because everything after 14 years old is still in my head. However, he will mention things we did, teachers, other pupils etc., etc and it means nothing to me. He has shown me photos of people on Facebook, people we went to school with - most of them, again, mean nothing to me. As for being a toddler, zip. I don't even remember the day my sister was born (I would have been 5) although I'm thinking that's one thing that I should. It's not just forgetfulness - it's like all my memories have gone. Anyway, I will contact my GP and go from there. Thanks people.
  9. Ok, so I'm hoping one of you good folks out there will know the answer. I desperately need to remember my childhood. I remember next to nothing about my life before the age of 14. Just snippets of senior school, nothing of junior or infants. I know I went to France when I was 7 and Italy when I was 11 but remember nothing about these holidays. The reason I need to remember is a painful one - there is some reason as to why my memories may have been blocked, but I need them unblocking. I know hypnosis may help, but is that actually something you can get on the NHS (am very doubtful....). Surely most people can remember their childhoods after a certain age? Any help would be appreciated!!!
  10. hey babybear! I'm really good thanks . How about you?? Ok, so another day, another call. It kind of went backwards and forwards: Deb: We need to confirm we are talking to Mr X before we can continue this call OH: Well I need to confirm who you are before I proceed any further Deb: We can't confirm anything until you can confirm you are MrX OH: (as above) Deb: Alright then, then its all up to you (hung up) Oh, how he makes me laugh. He is in no way scared of them, and is actually enjoying playing with them!
  11. I actually have found a man that listens.....really! He currently has Debitas bugging him for money he does not owe. His conversations started off pretty polite but now....: Debitas "We may have to take further action to recover this, which might lead to further costs...." OH "Well I may be bored of this phone call now so I might have to go for a beer" (they hung up) They tried to use their intimidating tactics....this resulted in: "Look mate, I was more intimidated by my s**t this morning. I'm bored now" (they hung up) And just today, they called him while he was at work: Debitas: "Can you confirm your name and address" OH: "How about you tell me what you have and I'll tell you if it's right?" Deb: "No" OH: "Why?" Deb: "Data protection" OH: "Ah, so that's what I supposedly owe you money for?" Deb: "What do you mean?" OH: "Well, you are obviously trying to charge me storage fees for keeping my information safe. I'm pretty sure I can do that myself" (they hung up) Seriously, he has told them so many times they have the wrong person, it's got to the stage where he wants to play with them. I'm rather proud :-) Oh and hello to all the peeps on here - I haven't been on for months now (well not posting anyway)
  12. Thanks tomtubby. I'll just take a guess at the biggest court as there is so many of them in Kent.
  13. Really could do with any help on this - the bailiffs may just turn up tomorrow, so I am rather worried.
  14. Ok, so I have done a little more digging on this one. It is apparently from "multiple offences 13/07/07". The bf committed no offences on this date. He did have a driving offence, but that was in September of 2007 and the fine was paid. Also, it was dealt with at Kent court (which neither I nor CAB nor my local court can find details for) - the bf has never been to Kent, or anywhere near there! The closest is perhaps Dartford - but that is only recently. At the time of these alleged offences he was living and working in Bognor Regis - almost certainly not Kent. Am having no further luck with this one. I have emailed Marston (no contact numbers - handy ), CAB cannot help anymore as I do not have enough information and I can't get hold of the court as no one can find a number for them (there are many, many courts in Kent). So, the bailiffs reckon his time to pay is up today so I expect them to show up tomorrow. Am getting rather concerned by this as it is now seeming like they have the wrong person. Can anyone please help?
  15. Yeah - so I presume that is the court then. Still, it's the first thing he knows about all of this.
  16. Hello to you too kip How's you doing?? I've just not had the time to CAG, but at least I knew where to turn to when he got this bloody letter!! This one is way out of my knowledge. The only other thing I do know is that he has never received a CCJ either - he is pretty sure it's for unpaid parking fines, so I dont know if they do CCJ's for them (although am sure they would have to). Something not quite right with this one! Anyway, will wait around for tomtubby or another expert. Have told him to call CAB as well....
  17. My boyfriend has received a letter today from Marstons saying he owes £700 and odd pounds for multiple offences (?....presuming it was a parking fine). They say they are in possession of a court order but this is the first we know about any court involvement. I am pretty sure he should have received something from the court about this, but other than a letter months ago about the unpaid parking fine, he has had nothing else. I have no idea what to do about this. They say they are sending the bailiffs, which if they do, they are going to be out of luck. We only live in a poky bedsit - everything in it belongs to the landlord (apart from my TV). We do have a car, but that is in my name and although he has a motorcycle, that too is in my name. There is nothing for them to actually take. It's pretty pointless, but they will no doubt still attend (not that I am going to let them in) and charge him for the privilege. What I want to do is find out how this could have gone to court without his knowledge and just how it's costing so much! I would contact the court, but there is nothing in the letter to say which court dealt with this. He obviously cannot pay the amount in full, and is not willing to until he has spoken to whatever court apparently dealt with this. Any help would be appreciated.
  18. Ok, so yesterday I received a Notice of Assignment from Link.....am rather confused by this as they have been dealing with this since 2005. In fact, it was Link that put the charge on my old property. So, I have no idea what they are now playing at! If they have only just been assigned the debt, then surely they had no right to place the charge on the property in the first place!!! Grrrrr....anyway, from what I have read above, I am guessing that the SB starts from now. I always thought it was from last payment made, or acknowledgement of the debt in writing (neither of which has been done since at least 2004). If it wasn't for the charge this would be Statute Barred (or very, very close to it). Does the charge change how SB works?? The house still has not been sold, but as the mortgage company have had it since Feb, I am guessing they will auction it soon. That means there will be a shortfall, so Link will not get any money from that. Is my only course left to pay them? Not that I will pay them what THEY want, but what I can afford. They already defaulted it years ago, and a CCJ in 2006 (plus the charge in 2006 too), so really there in nothing much else they can "threaten". They could take it back to court, but after 4 years of them doing nothing, they may find it hard to enforce the CCJ (here's hoping). Anyway, if anyone can even guess what trick they will pull next, I'd be grateful.
  19. I'll maybe make it this year!! Sounds like I missed a good one last Summer, so wouldn't want to miss out twice!
  20. Which is my thoughts exactly Deb - whether it works that way is a different matter! Also, the house hasn't even been sold yet, so they are kind of jumping the gun when they say the funds are not available to pay them.
  21. Don't know if this one will just go away - that's the problem! I haven't hear from them again, but want to be fully armed if they do.
  22. Hiya HS!! Yeah, had a busy few months! The judgement is in both names as is the house. I have a feeling they would have to go back to court to enforce it as they've pretty much done nothing since getting the charge on the house in 2006. I know LINK are pretty much wrong in some of what they say - but I'm still unsure as to what they can do from here. They took the risk of putting the charge on the house to get the money that way, but now that's failed......well, what can they do next? My credit file is trashed anyway!
  23. Ok, so I have just received a call to day from LINK. They are chasing me for money owed from 2004. They did obtain a judgement in 2006 and also managed to turn the unsecured loan into a secured one..... I moved out of the home they secured it on last March, and as my ex husband failed to maintain mortgage payments, the house was repossessed in February (which I have just found out....). As they could not get their money from this, as there were not enough funds (although the house has not been sold yet, so I don't know where they get this from), they are now chasing me for the full amount. No payments have been made since 2004, but I know I cannot use statute barred due to the CCJ and further judgement on the house. So, what are my options?? Any help would be appreciated This was a joint loan, so am rather pee-ed off that they are only bugging me for payment!! Oh, and they have my name wrong (they say my married name is on the CCA) and my date of birth wrong. Oh, and as an amusing part to this - the woman on the phone is adamant that SB runs from date of default, not last payment/acknowledgement made. She hung up on me when I offered to email her a copy of the legislation. She also wanted my address, but told her she had no chance of me telling her that over the phone! She asked why.....so I said "would you give me yours if I was a random stranger on the phone asking for it"......she dropped it after that. Oh LINK, you have no idea......
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