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Everything posted by Lokiy2j

  1. Ahhh, someone with too much time on their hands I see. Crazy diamond if you wish to inform my employer then please by all means use your "consumer" power to try and cause me a personal problem, which by the way I would constitute a threat that has not been dealt with by this forums moderators. I make no secret of where I work, however I feel no need to disclose this information to you, or anyone else on this board I could work for any company and my views would be the same. so please by all means contact my employer and see if they care about an employee using the internet outside of office hours, because unlike you I CAN read the manual and have been told directly that what I am doing is perfectly acceptable. If you want to look like a monkey then go ahead do as you please.
  2. Oh dear how pathetic, the moderators are now censoring my posts, stating that my offer for jamesrap to provide me his details so that I could pay him a personal visit was just too mean for the sort of people who live on these forums. although I find it amusing that threat of legal action was ignored as a threat but a supposed threat of violence is picked up straight away.
  3. HSBC, I made no personal insult or threat just an offer to jamesrap to provide me his personal details, in fact a similar manner that he did for me. If it upsets you I suggest you get a life as moderating a forum must not be very fulfulling. I'm not here to troll, just to express my personal opinion of the pathetic means some will go to just for a little attention.
  4. Hang on second, you've just admited that delay of funds has caused you to be charged for Direct debits that hte bank has had to cover/return unpaid! well then is it not your responsibility to ensure that money reaches the account on time? if it was someone else's fault why are you moaning at the bank? EDITED
  5. Oh we can discuss the OFT case if you like. With regards to the "plain english" rule, that same rule was bought into the mortgage industry in 2004 when the FSA took over, it's not done a thing to stop people complaining that the charges that banks & lenders charge for the MEAF are fair. My personal opinion is that poeple will moan and fixate on one thing so the banks will change the language to read a bit easier on those people who didn't do so well at GCSE level english, that will do nothing at all to dampen the complaints, I guarantee.
  6. The reason the FSA would never listen to your pathetic letter is very simple. one of the FSA's guiding principles when dealing with complaints is this: "treat customer's fairly" this means that they the bank's HAVE to put all complaints regarding the court case on hold as any decision made before the court's final decision that would contradict the decision is seen as a breach of the FSA's rules and then you lot would be on your high horse about that too! How ever the banks must keep charging the lazy people who just can't be bothered to sort their finances out. plus what would you fill your days with if the banks were to stop charging you? how would you cope?? you can't have it both ways.
  7. Lokiy2j

    Direct Debit

    Nofool, mate you seem to have pretty sturdy head on your shoulders. however, a direct debit is not "free access" to your bank account. knowing a little bit about these things as I actually have a job..bookworm....I would like to tell you what they can do with a Direct Debit. They can- - Take the monthly payment amount using the bank detials you have provided. - change the amount as is required but you will find that they must inform you at a minimum of 14 days before the DD is due to be taken, therefore.... They cannot- - change the amount they take from your account without informing you in advance - pass the bank details on to 3rd parties - refuse to give you the money back should you claim it through Direct Debit indemnity. Under the direct debit guarentee (which I bet most of you will never have read) it does confirm all the above more or less. should you wish to seek more information on direct debit indemnity I would recommend you speak to your local bank, who are not in anyway associated with Satan although some would like you to believe otherwise.
  8. It's a shame. A crying shame. that this country is turning into a mini-americana. There used to be a time when the poeple of this country knew how to do their own taxes, and balance their own cheque books. Unfortunatley my belief is that this forum and "consumer" group are the product of the lazy american way that is infecting every facet of this country. Why pay for my mistakes? I can just sue! Perhaps if people like Bookworm actually had a job and worked for their money instead of "moderating" a forum all day long they might have something better to do with their time. In regards to comments on my initial post to this forum, yes I stumbled across it, I am not part of a previous group or any other party you might have known. It's funny that you brand me an idiot for stating something that is quite obvious to me, my bank account was opened for me before I could speak and when I was responsible enough I took on the responsibility of the account, over the years I have opened numerous savings & bank aco****s and every time I have been given reams of paperwork explaining all the ins and outs, but funnily enough the peopl who actually sell these accounts are happy enough to explain anything I need! I wonder just a little if any of you took the time to ask before taking out these bank account exactly what the fees were? or perhaps if you read the numerous letters that would have been sent to you over the years explaining the increase in fees and what they applied to?? For you to denounce me as an idiot for having the common sense to read the terms of my bank accounts and not blame Walter Merricks, seems very very ironic. oh and bookworm apologies for assuming you were a man, but knowing you're a woman makes all the more sense now.
  9. Oh I'm sorry but my opinion does not count? why is that? because unlike you I manage my finances in an efficent and timley manner? or I choose a bank that doesn't charge anything but interest as long as I live within my means??? You people make me laugh, sitting outside a bank and singing a song will only get you committed, the public will laugh at you, not with you. If you honestly believe the charges to be unlawful then take it to the courts, however if you just think its unfair then perhaps something my mother once said will help you "life isn't fair"
  10. 1 man protest? what are you actually trying to achieve?? I suspect you'll be sectioned pretty soon for behaviour like that! Wearing an animal mask? Singing a made up song about Lloyds TSB??? talk about dellusional! seriously are you that deviod of purpose that you have to spend your days annoying the good people of newcastle?? Get a life mate.
  11. Lokiy2j

    Direct Debit

    Careful there Generic, if you disagree with the "consumers" Bookworm will try to shut you down, as apparently she's rather we live in a semi-communist state. Is that right Bookie? you would rather the rich share thier profits with you? or the lazy people who do not manage their money in a suitable way?? As someone who disagrees in everyway to what this forum and "group" stands for my posts must at least give you something to do with your day tho.
  12. Lokiy2j

    Direct Debit

    wah wah wah, why don't you just pay by Direct Debit, they are trying to make it the more attractive choice for a reason, they want you to pay them on time and without hassle. How about you do it?
  13. Oh dear. Do you people have no life? E-mailing the FOS with your whines? why don't you all get a collective life?? I'm pretty sure all you are doing is making pests of yourself, why bother? why not use all that energy and effort and just sort your finances out? or read the terms and conditions that you are provided FREE OF CHARGE by the bank!
  14. Troll? sorry Bookworm you speccy little geek, but moderator or not, why don't you grow a pair and allow people to express their own feelings on this subject? I suppose you support the notion that Walter Merricks should step down, all because you can't manage your own money? and with regards to the notion that the profits of a few big banks indicate some sort of overall affluence for these companies, I would suggest you take a look at the facts, for instance with a profit of £7Billion Barclays have still reduced their workforce in this country by approximatley 1,500 in 2007 alone. no wonder they make so much money. It's not from the odd £50 charge it's from the fact they pay pennies for staff in india! and whilst they do maintain a staffin the UK the most of the "call centre" staff are in the north, where we all know they can get cheap labour. I really do not need to trawl these forums reading "what this site was all about" to get a very good idea that it's a bunch of busybodies moaning that they can't spend other people's money! Anyway I'm pretty sure this post will now be "moderated" by "bookworm" as he couldn't possibly allow such obvious truths to be stated on his forum. Which is a shame because if any of you lived in the real world perhaps you would figure out how to spend your money wisley.
  15. Hello, I came across this forum on my travels around the world wide web and felt I just had to say something. Who exactly do you think you are? Why do you think you know Walter Merricks' job better than he does?? As it has already been stated, the job of the chief ombudsman and the FOS in general is to not impose their will on the banks who are just trying to make a living! If you are so incapable of managing your own money that you incur bank charges, then you deserve everything you get! It's unfair to be charged for trying to spend more money than you earn or infact are lent?? no wonder this country is heading for a recession! The terms and conditions of each bank account is laid out very clearly for the "layman" to see, so why are you surprised when you are charged!!?! I find it very very convienent that all of a sudden you people have a problem and the only scapegoat you can find are the banks! and when the FOS doesn't immediatly back your claim you call for the resignation of one of the best in the business! Sometimes I wonder how most of you would react if you were told what those at the FOS really think of your whining and sniveling little pleas. perhaps if a firmer hand were taken with the people who get the charges it would turn the country's fortunes round and we would enter a golden age of financial independance!! Walter Merricks does the job he has been asked to do, if you want someone to tell the banks off for charging "unfair" fees or upsetting you then perhaps you should run to your mothers who may actually care. The FOS have a very important job to do and with the complaints of so many time wasters the people who really need their help are going unheard, just think about that next time you take offsense for paying for your own mistake!
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