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Everything posted by BIONIC WOMAN

  1. hi there, i was wondering if you or someone else has, any advice with regards to ge money and the £40 charge every month which is added to our arrears. my partner and i have already been to court and it was not nearly as bad as we first thought. we had sorted all our other creditors with the advice and help from the cccs. we agreed with the judge that we would pay extra on our payments, as much as we could afford and increase it as and when we were able to. unfortunately because of this administration fee of £40 a month our arrears are not coming down as quickly as we would like. we pay £80 over our normal payment which of course means only £40 is coming off our arrears which is only £668. are they allowed to charge so much a month for arrears. i would appreciate if someone could advise me on this matter. unfortunately what makes it worse is that i am physically disabled which took a turn for the worse 18 months ago and i had to go on benefits and had a small pension from the bank whom i worked for 29 years but was pensioned off early due to ill health. things were okay then and we were able to manage quite nicely at that time, but i continued to get worse so much so that my partner had to give up work and become my full time carer. both the courts and ge are aware of this. it does seem a bit excessive for such a small arrears and at this rate it will take a long time to pay back the arrears. i thought i read somewhere that the charges should be added to the actual loan amount. thank you for taking time to read this. i have already received so much help regarding rma/nco and have finally got them off my back thanks to you lovely lot out there.
  2. hi there, i was wondering if you or someone else has, any advice with regards to ge money and the £40 charge every month which is added to our arrears. my partner and i have already been to court and it was not nearly as bad as we first thought. we had sorted all our other creditors with the advice and help from the cccs. we agreed with the judge that we would pay extra on our payments, as much as we could afford and increase it as and when we were able to. unfortunately because of this administration fee of £40 a month our arrears are not coming down as quickly as we would like. we pay £80 over our normal payment which of course means only £40 is coming off our arrears which is only £668. are they allowed to charge so much a month for arrears. i would appreciate if someone could advise me on this matter. unfortunately what makes it worse is that i am physically disabled which took a turn for the worse 18 months ago and i had to go on benefits and had a small pension from the bank whom i worked for 29 years but was pensioned off early due to ill health. things were okay then and we were able to manage quite nicely at that time, but i continued to get worse so much so that my partner had to give up work and become my full time carer. both the courts and ge are aware of this. it does seem a bit excessive for such a small arrears and at this rate it will take a long time to pay back the arrears. i thought i read somewhere that the charges should be added to the actual loan amount. thank you for taking time to read this. i have already received so much help regarding rma/nco and have finally got them off my back thanks to you lovely lot out there.
  3. HI CURLYBEN, i presume the letters were in reply to my request for he;p.thank you for your response i am very grateful. i will be writing those 2 letters and i will let you know the outcome. god bless you, from the bionic woman
  4. Hi Alfwithhair, i need your help or advice. it is regarding rma/nco and a debt to barclaycard. i did send a letter n the 29th september requesting a cca and sar. this letter was respoded to by nco, but no cca and no sar plus i had asked for the name of the person who gave al my details to a loan company with out my verbal or writen permission and i did include a £2 for the information. in the return letter form them it quoted they had sent the request to barclaycard for a signed credit agreement and that i should receive this by post. i have not received it as yet. i wrote nco another letter answering the response i got from them telling them that i had not received anything from anyone and if they did not comply i would have no option but to report them to the oft. 2 days ag i received a letter form a solicitor (the second one i have had, different solicitors) notice before legal proceedings. they threaten that unless payment of the above amount is made direct to RMA by 8th of november they may issue court proceedings for recovery of the full amount outstanding plus costs. they then go on to say that i should be aware that the issue of court proceedings will increase the out standing amount. the first thing find strange is, the letter is dated 24th october and i received it 12th november, which is somewhat of a farce as they say i had to make the payment by the 11th november. i did notice also that it is worded exactly the same as the other solicitors letter. going back to the letter i received from nco they said they would be putting y account on hold for 3 months and then they would contact me again. i have followed the law to the letter with my requests for certain information and addressed it as private and confidential and to be opened by addressee only, which was the person who signed the letter from nco and it was sent recorded delivery. the last paragraph of this letter from this person at nco sys and i quote, RMA as a global supplier to the accounts receivables industry prides itself on the very highest levels afforded to the clients, customers and third parties. therefore i would like to offer my personal assurances that when we receive detailed complaints, such as yours, with specific concerns raised: these are taken seriously. please can you or anyone else explain what i should do next. i did say in my last letter that any more harassments and my forms would be filled out, that i have here, and sent them to oft. so if anyone or youself has any advice i would be very grateful.
  5. Please Read My Comments To Honest-as-they-come Because They Apply To You Too. Spending Money You Know You Cannot Pay Back, Yes That Is Foolish And Irresponsible. People Like Myself And There Are A Lot Of Us, Were Going Along Quite Nicely Until Something Happens, Such As My Case Where My Disabilities Have Deteriorated So Fast, That My Partner Had To Give Up His Small Business And His Job To Become My Full-time Carer. Last Year I Stopped All Spending On My Cards And Catalogues, After Hearing About My Disabilities And I Have Just Been Diagnosed With 2 Others. The Main Disability Requires An Operation A Year And Will Continue To Get Worse. I Just Think You Should Get Down Off That High Horse Of Yours And Realise We Are Not All Out To Get What We Can Get. I Would Gladly Change Places With You For A While So You Can See How Depressing And Stressfull Sme Of These Companies Can Be.please Think Carefully Before Posting Anymore Messages.
  6. No This Was Not For You. I Have Edited My Reply To Say Who It Was Meant For.
  7. How Dare You, And Who Do You Think You Are,i Am Absolutely Furious At Your Attitude. You More Or Less Blame The People Who Are In Debt And They Shouldn't Have Got Into The Mess In The First Place. As For Myself, Because I Did Not Have A Crystal Ball To See Into The Future, My Specialist Or Myself Were Realy Surprised That My Disabilities Would Deteriorate So Quickly And That My Partner Had To Give Up Work To Be My Personal Carer. I Worked For A Bank For 28 Years And They Were Very Good To Me When I Had To Retire Early Through Ill Health. At That Time We Could Afford All That Was Due. Since Then I Have Been Diagnosed With 2 More Disabilities For Which There Is No Cure And Can Only Try And Keep It Under Control. My Partner And I Are Trying To Clear Our Debts By Going Through The Cccs And Rma/nco Is The Only Debt Company That Have Been Rude, Arrogant, Threatening And Constant Phoning Which Does Not Do My Health Any Good. So, Before You Start Tarring Everyone With The Same Brush, You Should Think Carefully Because Not All Of Us Are Trying To Pull A Fast One. THIS IS IN ANSWER TO HONEST AS THEY COME.
  8. sorry noomill060 i forgot to say that they have alresdy broken the law as they passed our details on to a loan company without consulting with us or getting written permission. the loan comany phoned and my partner was polite and said go back to whoever gave you these details and tell them they are out of order.
  9. hi noomill60, thank you for your support and your concern. barclays made 4 charges of £12, 2 for late payment and 2 for going over my limit. i cannot find a defaul letter from mercers who the debt was sent to originally.my partner whois handling all my financial problems. mercers was phoned 4th january 2007 andwas told the debt would be pased on and sent details to them, list of other creditors and a statement of our income and outgoings both in dec 2006 and jan 2007. 4th january we were told that the debt would be passed on. we still kept sending payments. we then received another letter from mercers who said they had sold the debt on. this was a threatening letter and i quote;as we not made a payment for a long time (we had made token payments) we risk the possibilities one of their representatives calling at our home (how could they if the debt had been sold on) a default would be registered, legal action by the courts and barclaycard selling our debt and if this happens barclaycard will have no further dealings with us regarding this debt. we had followed the procedure that the CCCS gave us and all the other creditors have accepted our offers. the debt started as £5462.88 and is now £6100.42. our first letter from rma was in april 2007 made all the backpayments of what we could afford so there were nothing outstanding as far as we were concerned. we have had letter after letter telling us to phone them which we did a couple of times. we sent at least 4 copies of our balance to other creditors and alist of our outgoings and income. they even sent us a letter form a solicitor on 20th july 2007 it was a notice before before legal proceedings. they wer colemans-cts solicitorsthey said if we did not pay the amount owing then they were instructed by rma to issue court proceedings for the recovery of the full amount outstanding plus costs. i wrote back to rma and sent a copy of the letter to the solicitors. i asked them to take me to court so i could give all the evidence to the judge plus leters from my specialists about my condition and how this has affected me which i am sure the judge would take into considertion as the ccca told me i cannot pay what i haven't got.i heard nothing more from the solicitor but lots and lots of letterd from rma phone calls either wanting to talk or a message left please call this number which of course would cost a fortune and friday left a message to call a mobile phone number. there has been a number of calls which when you say hello uou can hear background noises and then i get sorry the other party has finished the call. i know it is them because i do a 1471 and that tells me who called. so sorry this is a long message but i am trying to give you a good insite to my problem. as one of the other people on this site said that most of the people on here are people who cannot pay not people who refuse to pay. i must tell you about the phone call on thursday, my partner put it on loud speaker so i could hear what they were saying. it went hello can i speak to ------- and my partner said no she is resting and i know you have written confirmation for me to deaal with it. they carried on you must pay what you owe, my partner said well we can't as know by the numerous letters of our financial position. right then i want to speak to ---------, my partner said no you cant i have just told you all of this is making her condition worse and she has now be diagnosed with another disabillity. answer, well that is not my fault and she shouldn't have used her card. my partner, she didn't deliberately go out and spend knowing she couldn't pay. no-one could have known how much her other disabillity would have detiorated so fast, not even her nuero consultant. answer that is still not my problem. my partner said so you are telling me if someone was dying wioth cancer you would still harrass them with letters and phone calls. the answer was yes. my partner said ok please take us to court as we cannot pay any more than we are paying and put the phone down.. please can you tell me or my partner should do next. :?
  10. Hi Curlyben, I Am New To This Site And I Too Am Going Out Of My Mind With Rma. They Have Instructions In Writing That They Deal With My Partner As I Am Phsically Disabled And Have To Avoid Stress. I Have Been Reading All The Information On This Site And People Keep Referring To Cca And Asking For A Staement Of Account. My Debt Is With Barclaycard. I Need Help To Get These Horrible, Very Rude, I Am Better Than You Attitude, Off My Back. Plus They Have Pass My Details Onto Another Loan Company Without Mentioning It Or Receiving My Written Consent. I Will Report Them To The Oft Andi Have The Forms But Should I Try And Get A Cca And A Statement From Them First.
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