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Everything posted by Trevor1961

  1. Hi There, I used to work for British Gas and this is a classic case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. This will have been dealt with by the debt management team and the re-connections team. These teams may not even be in the same building or town. It seems clear that the main issue has not been addressed and they have continually neglected to read the issues pertaining to the case/complaint. You will probably deal with a different person EVERY TIME you call and that is useless for consistency when dealing with complex issues. This is NOW a complex issue because BG have made it that way. It was simple when you first got the flat, but constant incompetence and incorrect actions have caused this to escalate to the point it never should have reached. In my experience new customers were never held responsible for a previous tenants debts. If there was any action, it would be with the landlord. Has the landlord acted correctly with the supplier?, as it should really have been you doing this rather than a representative. If the landlord got into an argument with the BG rep, this may be where the angst first started, as BG appear to be treating you as a "troublesome" customer. Like all call centres the operatives will be timed on a call, so will want to get rid of you ASAP in order to keep their call time down, otherwise they are disciplined if they overrun. The energy providers are NOT allowed to cut anyone off who have small children, nor if there are vulnerable people on site. BG should never have taken the meter. I would do the following; 1/ Write to British Gas and request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, all the information pertaining to this issue at the flat's address. You need to request ALL written documentation and recorded phone calls. When you have it you will be able to prove that you never asked for the meter to be removed proving that BG lied in this respect. 2/ When you have the information you can contact a solicitor about taking legal action for illegal entry to your property and damage plus what is known as hurt feelings. They will work on a no win no fee basis, but you should have a very strong case and you only need to present enough evidence to persuade the judge that you were right on the balance of probabilities, rather than the criminal burden which is beyond reasonable doubt. This might be the best having read your thread. 3/ You can do this yourself through the small claims court, justice.gov.uk. This will cost you to bring a case but you will then get it back once you have won. I feel you are better with a solicitor, knowing your circumstances. 4/ You should also complain to OFGEM the energy regulator and provide copies of the information you get from BG. 5/ I would also complain to the Police for the criminal damage, as companies can be brought to court for criminal acts. If the police blag you, refer this to the solicitor and he can complain to the police regulator and the Chief constable for the area. 6/ After all this send all the info to your MP and tell them that you and others need the protection of the State from Corporate Bullies like this. H It may be a long haul to get a final result, but I hope everything turns out okay for you.
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