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Everything posted by stepwayne

  1. anyone got any advice for me at court tomorrow?
  2. is post away or ill this weekend, or just having some deserved time off from here?
  3. :)thanks for the reassurance ozzy. any advice to go with that mate.
  4. i'm dreading court too.never been before.
  5. prepared in what way. post has guided me step by step. i really dont know what i'm doing.
  6. prepared in what way.i'm a novice here, believe me. everything i've done has been through post. guided step by step. i'm no legal expert at all.
  7. thanks guys, anyone heard from post? sure he'll be on later. not too worried, think i'm going to go to the hearing tomorrow, the way i see it the judge will adjorn until the set aside application has been decided. going off what post has been saying. just seems a little strange i have to go though. Any one see it a different way or if i need to be prepared properly for court, i e do i take documents etc.
  8. just fallen on this thread doing some background research for my case.follow it in welcome forum. (ccj to with welcome now dispute) my agreement, to which i have original copies is deemed to be unenforceable, (thanks to help from postggi and others) did send a sar and cca request, never got the cca just a load of photocopies of rubbish. anyway due to timescale of certain hearings, never followed it up as more important issues deserved attention. It would be interesting to see in the long term of my case what they come up with if they want to try to defend. i don't fully understand my case as yet, which is why i'm looking around for more info. as of now i'm doing what i'm told by postggi, i'm gradually understanding the dodgy dealings of these so called loan companies and associates. as people are saying it only takes one mistake for them to come unstuck with rewritten false agreements.
  9. think i'd have had a nervous breakdown by now without post. thanks for your help over the past few months and the next few.lol totally appreciated. thank-you
  10. thanks ozzy. right rang solicitors this morning they said no they wouldn't agree with the hearing on monday to be adjourned. so rang court, they said its still on on monday, but the set aside hearing has been given a date of 4th march. when postman had been had a letter to confirm this. so i rang solicitors to ask again as i assume that all the judge will do is adjorn until 4th march. they just said no, they will wait for the outcome of the final charge order hearing, just being awkward *****. what i don't understand is why i still have to go on monday, the court were quite unhelpful over this, they don't see a reason why it should be cancelled. so post what do i do. go on monday and see what happens?
  11. i'll try court then sols tomorrow then. thanks post
  12. yes notified solicitor. ok will go in tomorrow, and see whats what. if i have to go on monday do i just explain all this to the judge. if nothings sorted tomorrow?
  13. hi post. things don't seem to be going to plan. rang court today because i've recieved nothing from them. They said that the final charge order hearing will still be going ahead on monday. asked about the set aside application which theyve had for a few weeks now, i can't seem to get an answer as to whether its been looked at or not. my question would be what do you think will happen at that hearing, i don't know what to expect. is there anything i need to take with me as reguards the set aside application? or anything at all. do i need to be prepared at this hearing? i don't want to be going in and making errors that could go against me. some quick advice..please. thanks
  14. i know the feeling all too well.i'd be a nervous wreck without this site..post i mean.lol.
  15. maybe welcome have shafted the pc too.lol great victory for now though.
  16. post or anyone else out there, please put her mind at rest, i know how it feels when these scumbags make you feel that they can scare the crap out of you cos you know nothing.you guys have been great with me, totally appreciated. with so many posts going up its easy for some to get missed, as well as people being busy helping others.
  17. if you're trying to help,from what i've read on this thread it seems to be either bad advice or bad news. you seem to be putting people off doing what this sites all about. you sure you're not trying the bully boy tactics that welcome have used for years. scare people into thinking what they believe is right to be wrong. i apologise if i've read into you wrong, but you seem to have a very unhealthy interest in peoples threads, especially those at the start. glad theres an army on here that knock spots off you.
  18. waiting for what post? sorry to be thick.
  19. right post, faxed a copy of set aside application to welcome solicitors this morning. rang court this afternoon they said that it was in the judges box ready to be looked at. came home from work to find a letter from court saying the charge order hearing was adjourned until feb 1st instead of thusday this week. i can only assume this is because of them being busy, being as they've not even looked at application yet, unless you can think of another reason. whats my next move post? thanks again
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