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Everything posted by diction

  1. I think they are one and the same. I saw a post on here showing all the different businesses allied to HFO. Right dodgy mob.
  2. Still watching with interest. Good luck bluefairy and keep fightin' the good fight Patrick!
  3. Subscribed. My wife has precisely the same thing so I await your scan with interest.
  4. I am in awe of the help and knowledge this forum gives. But could I ask a few questions that have not been immediately obvious to me? 1. When writing for CCA's, S.A.R - (Subject Access Request)'s- etc. should they be recorded or special delivery? I have seen conflicting advice. 2. When writing to the solicitors of dca's (e.g. Turnbull Rutherford for HFO) should it be recorded or special delivery? 3. When you see statements like 'a charging order will be put on your home since you are a property owner' what happens if the home is co-owned a) by a spouse or b) by someone not a spouse ? Does that mean the co-owner cannot re-mortgage or sell 'without paying your debt to our client' ? 4. Is there somewhere on the web that says 'A debtors home can only be subject to a charging order if.......' 5. Is there an acronym page that tells you what cca, S.A.R - (Subject Access Request), fso, fos, ts, oc, op, oh, ccj, and all the millions of others, mean?
  5. What a fantastic thread this is! Thank you Lorna and all the contributors. My poor wife received an HFO letter today, the first contact ever, stating '...since you have ignored our previous letter...' and then the same threat Lorna was given about putting a charge on the house, sending in the boys to take our property. Bloody liars. Needless to say my wife was worried sick. She is at work at the moment and I will refer her to this thread. I might even get her to contribute. This outfit is evil and they should be stopped using such bullying tactics.
  6. Hi again chaps An update for you on my case. Remember, parking on double yellow lines, early on a Sunday morning, with a timeplate saying Mon-Sat 8am-6.30pm. The council have 'investigated' and the pcn is going to be cancelled. No further action will be taken. Now this is great. But I could have guessed this would happen. They did not want this going to adjudication. They are obviously raking in thousands with incorrectly signed double yellow lines (they are everywhere in this borough). The sign gives the authority to park, the lines are only a guide. That is my contention. That is the contention of the highway code. That is what motorists are taught from the moment they get into a car. The council have not allowed this to go to adjudication. So how can I make sure everyone knows that they should fight the case of parking on double yellow lines, when a timeplate gives Mon-Sat 8am-6.30pm restriction, implying no restriction outside those hours? Any suggestions gratefully received.
  7. Hi again chaps. Sorry for the absence. Puter went down on Sunday afternoon and I've just got it back (duff memory - what a bugger to find). I have posted off my second letter to the council rejecting their rejection of my first appeal letter. I fully expect them not to read it and churn out yet another rejection notice. When I get it, I shall let you know and ask for your assistance once again. dw190 - no problem. My fault for skimping on the resolution.
  8. Am I being thick or does this help clarify things?
  9. It is in the body where it says 'Detach here'.. ?? 'Detach here' is where the payment slip begins. That is below 'DO NOT PAY THE PARKING ATTENDANT' which is the last thing printed in the PCN proper in the body of the PCN. I suspect the crease in the PCN body may make it appear to be a separate part. But it isn't. There is actually a serrated strip to tear along between 'DO NOT PAY THE PARKING ATTENDANT' and 'Detach here'.
  10. I hope I am not missing something here. On the PCN itself under where it says Contravention code 01, the third paragraph states "Please see overleaf for details of how to pay ........" and on the back are full details and addresses of how to pay. This is all above the Payment slip.
  11. Yes, the address is definitely on the other side with very clear instructions how to pay by post, in person, or on the internet. They make it very easy for obvious reasons. I haven't found anything directly relating to double yellow lines being incorrectly signed (cos basically they do not need signing). But all over the borough, double yellows have the Mon-Sat 8am-6.30pm restriction. This is obviously from when the double yellows were a single yellow. They did not take the signs down. I bet this was deliberate. Many people would have been misled by this the same as me. The sign is the authority, not the road marking. (This is the same council who plastered car windscreens with PCN's for parking on school markings (term time and school hours only) at 8.30pm on a Saturday night!) I am going to use the principles of oversignage I found here; http://www.parkingandtrafficappeals.gov.uk/user_documents/grimwood145.pdf I quote "The Council are under a duty to provide adequate and clear signage of any restrictions. In most appeals where this question arises, the issue is whether the signs in place were adequate or visible. This however is a case of "oversigning". " It has nothing to do with yellow lines or my case, but the sentiment must surely apply to all signs on our roads and I suspect a lot of people could benefit from such an adjudication. btw, would it be worth pursuing the lack of a correct t-bar terminator? According to the pics I have seen, there should be a 150mm line extending towards the kerb at perpendicular. Or would this be considered a 'triviality'.
  12. You are welcome to use the photo of mine I just posted in the big thread linky - http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j147/larksvomit/RLphotos/ticket1.jpg
  13. Hi chaps Here is my vehicle committing an alleged 'contravention' Here is the PCN that resulted I really can't see much wrong with the ticket having read this forum. But seven hours reading may have left me a bit jaded. Now to the crux of my problem - this next picture is of the timeplate right where my car was parked - I am fully aware that a 2003 Act (I think) removed the need for 'At any time'. In fact, no timeplate at all, and I would never have parked there, cos as pointed out above by xipetotec46, no signs are required for double yellows. They mean 24/7/365. However, there is a timeplate. And I checked it before I left my vehicle. The alleged contravention took place early on a Sunday morning. The church car park was full cos it was Palm Sunday. Once I got the ticket, I consulted the internet and Highway Code and discovered that road markings are only a guide (which I always knew anyway) as in this quote “Yellow (or red) lines can only give a guide to the restrictions and controls in force and signs, nearby or at a zone entry, must be consulted.” This is precisely what I did do. Do I have a case of oversigning?? I should add my first two appeals have been rejected by the Council but then they reject every appeal even if the ticket was written in Swahili.
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