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  1. Thanks SSL! Everyone really should read the full thread at the posted link... v important during this period of uncertainty.
  2. A voice of reason in a sea of panic!! Great post...Well done!
  3. Thanks SSL, as always v helpful. I shall keep you informed as to how this goes.. Many thanks Jamie
  4. Hi Overflow, Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, I decided to send it as I wrote it as I was worried about time. The combination of the postal strikes and floods I wanted to get my reply to them ASAP. So today the letter was sent, faxed and I called to ensure they was aware that I refused their offer. I will print my online statement as you recommended. I also received my 'Notice that Acknowledgement of Service Has Been Filed' dated 20 July 2007 with the intention to defend all of the claim. As you rightly stated, they now have 28 days from 4th July to file a defence which would give them until the 1st August. OK so i'm left with the following questions which i'm hoping someone can help me with: 1. If & when they file a defence what is the next step? A hearing? 2. Should I send a copy of my "Response to Settlement Offer" to the Court and/or the address of the solicitors given on the Acknowledgement letter from the court? 3. Was I right to add the 8% sec 69 interest to my Response to Settlement Offer? Am I right in saying now that we are at this stage they should pay the interest & court costs? HOPE SOMEONE CAN HELP!!?? Thanks everyone, Jam x
  5. Thanks Moneyhelp.... If anyone else can spot any mistakes or answer my other queries.... pls reply. Jam x
  6. HELP! Bloody Haliprats! Soooo annoying!! OK so Halifax have finally made an offer but a rather pathetic one at that. On top of that they have already deposited the money 3 days before their deadline to respond had been reached. It would be great if someone could look at my draft rejection letter below and suggest any changes. Also, - am I right that I won't actually get the 8% interest - unless it is resolved by a court judgement? - which address to i send the reject letter to? the address on the offer letters from Halifax or the Legal Dept on the Ack. of Service from the court? - do i send a copy to the court? Any thoughts very welcome. I am so ANNOYED and FED UP with Halifax and their games!!! thanks Jam x -----------------------LETTER FOR REVIEW BELOW--------------- Dear Haliprats Response to Settlement Offer Claim Number: 98765432 (?? County Court) Account 1: 123456 Account 2: 123456 I write further to your letter dated 18th July 2007, which I received on Monday 23rd July. I have subsequently received an Acknowledgement of Service dated 20th July 2007 from County Court. I respectfully decline both offers made in respect of the above claim which relates to 2 accounts. In summary, on Account 1 you have offered me £889.00 of the £1,034.00 total charges you have illegally charged and £249.32 in respect of interest charged as a result of those charges. On Account 2 you have offered me £390.00 of the £2,099.00 total charges you have illegally charged and £14.92 in respect of interest charged as a result of those charges. My claim is for £3095.00 as outlined in my Particulars of Claim, plus court costs of £120.00. Your offer totals £1,663.24 including court costs. Please note this claim will continue until payment is made in full. I wish to stress that I do not accept your offer as Full and Final settlement and the money transferred to my account should not be viewed as my acceptance. On 22nd July 2007, two separate deposits were made to the corresponding accounts to the value of the aforementioned offers. This happened 3 days before your 7 day deadline for a response. I hereby authorise you to remove this sum accordingly unless you are willing to make the payment a part-settlement. Alternatively, should you wish to settle my claim in full, then please forward £1,551.76 the balance of the claim without further conditions and I will inform the court that the claim is settled. I trust this clarifies my position. If you require any further information or wish to clarify anything in this letter please do not hesitate to contact me on any of the numbers provided at the top of this letter. Yours sincerely, littlejam Copy to: Lambeth County Court
  7. Thanks Sanand, I will call them first thing... Would it not be worth calling Halifax as well? If they haven't responded I assume I should return my form for Request for Judgement. Is there any guidance on how to respond/request this? Thanks Jamie
  8. Hi Everyone, Hi haven't received a 'Notice of Service' but i have received my Notice of Issue. The deadline was 18 July to reply (today) and they haven't. What do I do now? I'm assuming I need to request a judgement. Should I contact the court first? Can anyone help?? Thanks Jamie
  9. Hi Everyone, Sorry but i've been super busy with work and haven't had a time to give an up-date. Finally got my 'Notice of Issue' from my local County Court which states: "Your claim was issues on 25/06/2007. The court sent it to the defendent by first class post on 02/07/2007 and it will be deemed to be served on 04/07/2007. The defendent has until 18/07/2007 to reply." The clock is ticking away - i have not heard anything as yet. Keeping my fingers crossed. Any advice always very welcome. Thanks Jamie
  10. Fantastic work Dursary!! I shall be keeping track of how things go for you. Good luck!! Not that you need it with that evidence!!
  11. CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm hoping my claim goes like that! Well done!!
  12. Well that is good to know. I'm hoping it doesn't have to go that far. I'm assuming that if Halifax attempt to settle with me before we get to court, i would loose the 8% interest? Any thoughts?
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