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Everything posted by candy1982

  1. Wow thats fab hope mine comes through that quickly, I bet your over the moon!!! Enjoy clearing debt or whatever you have plans to do with YOUR money
  2. Hi I have this morning recieved a letter from Halifax saying thankyou for your complaint and that they have 8 weeks to comply with my 2nd letter asking for my money back they dont have this right do they? I sent letter with my details of charges over the years on tuesday so they were pretty quick to respond but dont I have the right to send ym next letter to them within 2 weeks or is it 40 days? Which letter do Is send I have no idea how to word it is there a link to a template on the site? Kind regards kerry Ps:Good luck everyone
  3. Thankyou for that I,m still waiting my statments so will keep you posdted. kerry
  4. Good Luck I,m also going against studio waiting statements, hope their not to long. Keep us posted
  5. Thanks Monnie thats a great help. Ive had to change my name as Ive had some logging in issues and for some reason had to register. I will let you know asap when they get back to me. Has anyone else challenged flexi? I sent my letter plus £10 and they've cashed it within a few days hope their that quick at giving it back to me! Ive heard their very hard to get your money back, but maybe with your help I can make them. Thanks Monnie your a star. and everyone else whos helped. Kerry
  6. I have a monthly installment payment due to them by the 19th dso I still make my payments as usual? candy
  7. Anyone having any trouble with flexi? How much is people adding to the interest of charges that have added up over the years? Kerry
  8. Thanks Red. I,m finding it hard to find the template for the 2nd letter. I ahve no idea (I,m so useless at things like this) Also how do I calculate interest tryed looking everywhere no idea I wish things were so simple. How long is it usually taking for them to answer back with a offer and from first reply getting stsments sent out? Are you wiring something like I am requesting that you refund me my administration charges that have occured over the year plus 8% interest? Sorry I,m so rubbish.
  9. Doh having a a funny 5 minutes I have realised have only been there 3 years lol. sorry my mistake. Yes sent schedule of charges dont know how long they take to get back to you. Only amounts to £428 but still want my money back hope their willing to do it!
  10. I dont believe me I ahev just re-read the letter I have sent to halifax requesting my charges back and unfortunatly have put over the oast 3 years instead of 6!!!! My charges total over 6 years Have I gone a blown it now? Help much appreciated Ps only sen letter tuesday stupidily not recorded!!! candy
  11. Hi can anyone tell me how they worded their 2nd letter once statments have been recieved? Kind regards candy
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