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Kevin Allen

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Everything posted by Kevin Allen

  1. I have been trying to resolve a problem with Cabot Financial (Europe) since May 2001 and have had nothing but incorrect information and untruths from them. It took them over four years to finally admit that a solicitors letter they claimed was sent in 2002 was not actually issued by their solicitors at all. For years they had been promising, almost on a monthly basis, to send me a copy and then telling me that copies had been sent. Finally admitted they had no copies and were unable to send anything other than a mock up of the letter supposedly sent to me in 2002. Apparently nobody at Cabot is intelligent enough, (or trusted enough), to compose a letter themselves and on numerous occasions I have been advised that they are unable to put such and such in writing because there is no letter covering that point on their system. They do sound rather moronic and I would have to put forward some chap called Adrian as probably their most clueless employee. I made a formal complaint to them last November and have advised them today that as no written reply had been received - years of dealing with Cabot has made me realise that telephone conversations are pointless, Adrian again, I'm afraid - I am referring them to the Office of Fair Trading as they are in breach of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. It is interesting to realise that others have had problems with Cabot as well. Any advice would be much appreciated, particularly as to whether a complaint to the OFT or to the FOS, (come 6th April), would be the most appropriate.
  2. I recently had cause to make a complaint to The Law Society about a firm of solicitors called Hodsons. A third party company had informed me that Hodsons had written to me in December 2002 and after over three years of trying to obtain a copy of the solicitors letter I wrote directly to Hodsons. No reply was received so I wrote again. All I wanted was confirmation that they had sent a letter. A copy would be appreciated but mere confirmation would do. Over the telephone if they liked. Straightforward enough you would think but not for Hodsons. I contacted the Law Society who passed the matter to a firm called Gordons who spent two months dealing with the matter and getting Hodsons to supply them with information. Eventually I was told that it was not a breach of Hodsons' professional duty not to reply to me as I was not their client. I asked Gordons if that meant it was professionally acceptable for solicitors to ignore reasonable requests for information but they skirted around that and refused to confirm whether that was the case or not. I never did get a copy of Hodsons letter but I take some satisfaction in the knowledge that them having to give a number of detailed responses to Gordons, acting for the Law Society, cost them FAR more than a telephone call or photocopy of a letter to me would have done. What I did find out however, was that so called "solicitors letters" are not always from solicitors. Apparently, the third party in this case had a stack of Hodsons headed paper and merely entered the relevant details before issuing the letters themselves. I was quite surprised by this but it seems to be an accepted practise.
  3. I had no idea that the FOS was held in such low regard. I thought my experience with them - I ended up just doing everything myself - was an unfortunate rarity and put it down to bad luck but reading your message it seems I am one of many. This morning I received a reply from the Nationwide Building Society to my initial letter claiming back bank charges - more or less telling me to get lost - in which they advise contacting the FOS if I am not happy with their response. It seems I would be better off dealing with the matter myself. However, in light of your message I shall certainly be writing to the FOS. Thank you.
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