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  1. retailer said they'd speak to dpd on Tuesday. I don't want to screw the retailer because they were doing me a favour by fixing it for free I hope dpd will refund them so they don't lose out. Will keep you guys posted.
  2. Well, we live on the same road so it should be the same postcode. When I spoke to dpd and asked why were my neighbours' address not on the list and she said maybe they're not of the same postcode and I checked and they definitely were. Not to mention, delivery instructions are supposed to override actual customer's address which is why they asked for instructions I thought.
  3. I tried to put the door numbers of the neighbours who offered to take it in but neither were available on the drop down despite us all sharing the same postcode. You cannot free type an address in the neighbour selection. In the end I did select a house number of a neighbour which was available (46) but I also wrote 52 in the free text of a safe place called "other" hoping the driver would read. They had the option of 2 neighbours to deliver it to. Front porch is a specific option which I did not select. I have to say I'm a little surprised with your stance on the matter but it's your opinion I guess.
  4. I selected my next door neighbour but as a safe place I selected other because the neighbour who was going to be in wasn't selectable as a nominated neighbour so in the free text I put her door number. I didn't ever state that it should be left in front of my door and I had no idea that the retailer had a deal with dpd about never leaving a parcel outside unless instructed by the customer. It was dpd who told me they left the parcel outside my door and took a picture but I can't access that picture anymore. The door does lead straight into the road. hopefully, the retailer will just agree to replace it without a fuss. thank you both for your input.
  5. Hello all, I ordered a laptop online about 16 months ago. The laptop was faulty and I was supposed to send it back within guarantee but didn't for various reasons. I contacted the company a few months later and they said they will still fix it for me free of charge but I'd have to pay to send it to them and they will pay to send it back to me. The parcel arrived there fine. Company had fixed it and they sent it via dpd. I was working in the office so I asked my neighbours who would be in, as there's been a history of parcel thefts on our street. I had 2 neighbours who offered but when I went to update delivery instructions, their door number wasn't on the drop down despite sharing the same post code. I then selected a neighbour who I thought would likely be in and also selected other in the safe place selection and put the number of the neighbour who I knew would definitely be in and they left my parcel outside and the parcel was stolen. DPD didn't want to deal with me and said I need to speak to the retailer. The retailer said DPD have special instructions from them not to leave a parcel outside unless specified by a customer. The retailer then said they could see my instructions said leave in a safe space but I have no porch. My front door just opens onto the road and the driver made no attempt to conceal it. I would like to know if I have rights here because the delivery wasn't for an item that I just bought. It was initially delivered but stopped working within the warranty period and they agreed to fix it for free. Appreciate your help Thanks!
  6. My mum had previously had carers visiting her at home and the council was paying for that.
  7. Sorry, I didn't see your reply. They're fully funding until a financial assessment has been completed. My issue is less to do with which care home, but more to do with the fact that my mum had told me she didn't want to be in a care home and therefore as LPA, I was against it but was told the local authority had final say and the only way to reverse the decision would be through court of protection.
  8. Hello all, I have power of attorney over my mum for both finance and welfare. However, the local authority forced me to put her in a care home and that despite having power of attorney I didn't have final say. The current social worker has stated that nowhere in my mum's file does it state that she was in imminent danger if she returned home from hospital rather than to the care home. I am not sure the best source to seek advice regarding this issue but does anyone know what my rights are as her agent. I didn't want her to go into a home, because mum made it clear it was not her wish and had done on multiple occasions when she was still of sound mind. I only acquiesced because I was working about 60 hours a week at the time and the social worker came to my home and said the only way mum would come back is if I applied through the court of protection and that I had better make the decision quickly as mum has been placed in a really nice home. Did the LA have the right to make final decision? Thanks in advance.
  9. Hello, Apologies if this isn't in the right place. I'm lasting power for my mum. She was placed in a care home last year despite the fact that I was against it and she had also said on record before she lost her capacity that she wanted to stay in her own home. Anyway, the local authority had been paying until I got together her documents and they're now doing her financial assessment, so I've provided them with her bank statements as requested. They're now questioning her spending history, as she had been in a care home, but because I'm looking after her home and buying her things that the care home don't provide, so I'm using her money. They've gone through each transaction and is asking why the money was spent despite the fact that mum is clearly below the threshold. I don't feel like I've done anything wrong, but I'm really concerned because I've had bad history with the local authority before. For example, with the council tax when my mum was living here and she was exempt, they tried putting the bill in my name instead and then taking me to court and it wasn't until it went all the way up to the top that they admitted fault. They just seem like they're trying to get every penny of the residents and I'm quite worried where this may lead, as they've notified the social worker who is coming to see me next week. Does anyone know what might happen and how I can get them off my back? I've looked after mum for years and it's been stressful enough, I really don't need this. Thanks in advance!
  10. He said he's received a bill from EE who have gone into administration and are probably taking a while to final bill former customers. I don't understand why you take issue with me saying to find out liability period as it's not been stated at all. I said if he doesn't get the info in time to set up pp to stop it affecting him, as he hadn't said it wasn't in his name. I didn't say that was the first thing to do.
  11. Surely if someone passes away they can become liable for the supply at the property.
  12. How is it irrelevant? I didn't know the debt wasn't in his name until he replied. He advised his mother had passed away, which could mean liability has been passed to him. I gave advice regarding a bill he said he received.
  13. I never said pay the DCA because OP could well contact the administrator/EE to set up a payment plan. Obviously, he said the debt isn't in his name, but just saying if it were, not making payment arrangements could impact their credit as that would be an outstanding debt on his credit file.
  14. Right, but delaying payment could impact your credit rating and if you default then that won't be remedied until you start paying it and even then it could take several years to wipe. If the debt isn't in OPs name then no probs but I would rather start paying to hold the collections process until he gets all the info.
  15. Hello, Sorry to hear about your mum and the circumstances. Have they produced an actual statement where they have advised you when the billing period started and ended and also the rates that were used during that time? If they haven't, advise them you will require this before any payments are made. If they have already, I would suggest, comparing the dates to the paper work you have and seeing if it coincides. They say you have 21 days. If you don't have a correct bill or you are disputing anything on the final bill they have sent and this not resolved within the 21 day time frame, I would call one of the numbers, advise them you are waiting for further information/action on their part and ask to set up a payment arrangement in the interim to prevent the account from escalating any further. Advise them, you have other priority bills and you're not in a position to clear the balance but you are willing to do the minimum, such as £1 starting in January 2020. You are willing to do this on the proviso that they will halt any further action as long as you honour your payment plan and remind them you are still awaiting accurate documentation or further evidence from them in regards to your liability. I'm not experienced in giving advice in this forum, but I hope this is helpful and hopefully others would agree that this would be sensible first steps to take.
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