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  1. I mentioned getting an independent report as the poster seemed unwilling to allow Currys to confirm the fault. As to his behaviour, that the police, by his own admission, were involved seems, to me, evidence of something more than a normal reaction of a retailer to a customer complaint. In fifteen years of retailing, mainly in the electrical side, I have never, ever come across any course in fobbing off customers. A lot of training goes into improving customer service and great emphasis is placed on improving customer relations. The idea that business could be improved by this practice is absurd. You mention the banking trade, I have no knowledge of that, only retail. If such practice exists in banking then it should be roundly condemned. I came into this thread with the intention of helping and now realise that what folk really want is a platform from which to ridicule. I see no profit in my continuing to offer assistance.
  2. Very informed comments, and such eloquence. I feel humbled to be in such company.
  3. So, in essence what you are advocating is that any consumer can take goods back to a retailer at any time within six months of purchase and expect a replacement/refund merely by stating that the goods are faulty? I believe, in this instance, that the problem lies with Lewnics not being willing to follow a practical route of allowing the appropriately trained engineers the opportunity to test and repair or recommend replacement of the laptop. Currys are not being unreasonable in seeking to verify a fault and put things right, are they? As you stated, the burden of proof lies with the retailer. So, let them have a chance to do so. Further, having read the first post in this thread, you will be aware that Lewnics actions and behaviour, in the store, lead to the police being involved, does that strike you as the normal response to a customer returning potentialy faulty goods?
  4. In answer to your direct question, never. As to how long I have been in retailing, over 15 years. This gives me more than sufficient experience to offer advice. If you choose to use that advice or not, that is for you to choose. If you do want help and advice in resolving your problem then I am more than willing to give up my personal time here.
  5. You don't actually live in the real world, do you? A course in fobbing off customers!!??? GET REAL! As for you LEWNICS, if your actions resulted in the police being called, I can just imagine how you behaved. A slightly raised voice? I doubt it. If you really believe that you can influence people by raising your voice then you are mistaken. You were offered the service of qualified engineers and declined. Your choice. But, you do not have the right to demand as an alternative a refund or replacement. Proof of the fault must first be established and then appropriate action taken. (not necessarily a refund or replacement) Acting agressively/shouting or other actions deemed inapropriate by the store staff will result in you being asked to leave the store and if you have behaved in such a manner to result in police action you should be ashamed. I have spent 15 years plus in retail and am sickened by the number of times people imagine that intimidation will improve their case. I have said this before, and will say it again, treat people as you would have them treat you. On a practical note, if you really feel that your laptop is not up to merchandisable quality, have it independently checked and send the report with copies of receipts to Currys customer service with a covering letter and ask them to take action. If it really is a fault from new then you will be entitled to a replacement or refund.
  6. Bit odd, your WhateverHappens does cover accident. Did you report it as accidental damage? I would call the Whateverappens team and ask them for an explanation. Describe the event that lead to the damage again and ask for their opinion on the matter. Sometimes the engineers will be unaware of the policy in place and refuse a repair on grounds of damage as opposed to breakdown. Daft! You didn't happen to launch the vacuum cleaner at the screen by any chance?!!
  7. Having also experienced first hand the tactics used by 1stCredit, I agree with you BB. I was lucky and found this site in time. The advice I received was wholly responsible for alleviating the issue and I shall always be grateful. It pains me that we should be moderated for expressing our opinions but, I understand the implications of libel and unfounded accusation. However, my deleted post merely poked fun (literaly a tongue!) and I fail to understand how that could have been construed as libellous or accusatory. Be that as it may, I will continue to watch and read with interest and I sincerely hope that one day all these DCAs are better regulated.
  8. Unfortunatey, "zootscoot has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space."
  9. Also a little bemused. My last post was deleted completely. Anyway, is it ok to say that I am still reading with interest?
  10. Some confusion here, RY4NMC, have you actually read the policy? If so, you would know that there is NO depreciation in value. That does not come into the equation. Like for like specification is the phrase to remember. And, given that spec moves on at an incredible rate, if, and I stress IF, the laptop is deemed irreparable or, as Forest mentioned, the repair goes beyond 21 days, you, or your girlfriend, will be entitled to a replacement laptop of at least equal specification thus you would have vouchers equal in value to a new laptop. Logicaly you would be better off as even the lowest spec replacement would be better than your old laptop. So, how to get a replacement. Write to the WhateverHappens team and detail events. They will in turn contact the TechGuys for a report. If the TechGuys have not been able to repair the fault in the given time, and it is the same fault, not a new fault, then it will be written off. At that time you are quids in! Do not give in to frustration, patiently outline your problems and ask for help. As to the TechGuys only speaking to your girlfriend this is as a result of Data protection legislation and, whilst a pain, it is to prevent any infringements of the law. I cannot stress enough to folk, it does not improve your chances to raise your voice, get angry or make wild statements. Stay calm, speak clearly and try and win over the person on the other end of the phone. As someone who deals with customers all day long, I know who gets the better service and the more sympathetic ear. Try speaking to your local branch they may be able to intervene on your behalf, they may have someone with a good knowledge of laptops who can assist in describing the faults to the TechGuys.
  11. Golden rule in all circumstances like this is to put it in writing. The address is on your paperwork, or failing that, ask in branch for the correct contact. And by the way, under "Whatever happens" the repair time is limited to 21 days, regardless of the product. Vouchers will be issued as quickly as possible but, the process is governed by the administration and they can have the occaisional hiccup! However, most branch managers will be glad to "sell" you the replacement product by normal payment methods and refund/resell later using the vouchers as a replacement for the original payment. I can only state from experience, ask politely, make friends with the branch staff and they will help. Nobody begrudges you a working product, nor do they want to annoy you or cause you any distress. Life is too short for that!
  12. Life should be so easy!! Unfortunately, this CAG subscriber won't there much longer either. I'm moving on to another retailer with a much better salary. But, the advice given is, or should be, the same for any branch. In my experience anyone who smiles and asks politely will be given the help needed. It is when folk get irritated or pushy that we retail staff switch off! Good manners cost nothing and can get you all you want without any stress.
  13. Sorry Forest, but that is incorrect. Vouchers will be issued to cover the cost of replacing the set with like for like specification. As the type of set (tube) is no longer in production, the vouchers will cover the cost of a suitable replacement. In this case a very good upgrade to a flat panel type set. Contrary to popular belief, the warranty does not cover exact replacement but, should be equal in specification. When going for a replacement check that all the spec is as you had before. eg. same number of scart sockets. Any divergence is grounds to appeal for a higher settlement and will generally be dealt with in a sympathetic manner. Don't push your luck though! Manufacturer, reputation or personal choice is not considered, merely like for like specification. Talk to the store and ask for opinions of the sales staff, they will be interested in getting the best deal as for them it is another sale and counts towards meeting their targets. A good store will try and meet your requirements by contacting Whatever Happens, if needed, to increase the value of your vouchers. Most of all, remember you are dealing with people, not machines. A little friendly banter will go a long way to winning the staff over to your side and gaining allies in your quest. After all, you may be dealing with a fellow CAG subscriber!
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