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  1. Hi Any advice please. We recently looked to remortgage our house to get a better rate. We paid £300 for a survey. We had two options depending on how high the house was valued. The average price of houses sold on our street in the last 6 months is £170 k. If our house was valued at £165k we would get the best mortgage rate, if it came in as low as £155k we would get a slightly worse rate but still a better rate than our current one. Based on current sales on our street and the fact that, among other things, we have the largest plot on the whole street we felt this was a safe option and we paid the £300 survey fee. The surveyor valued the house at £143!!!!!! This meant we were left with no mortgage and were £300 worse off. We went back with a list of houses to prove what they are going for but they have sill not budged. The majority of comments the surveyor has given to back up his valuation are mainly personal opinion. eg preferable decor in other properties, approach to the drive is on an angle. He even turned our huge garden in to a negative by saying next doors was small and neat!! He also said that we needed to get a wooden floor specialist in because there was a small nick in the floor in the kitchen.....our kitchen floor is LAMINATE!! Can anyone offer any help or suggestions?? I have now gone to the financial ombudsman and they have taken the complaint on. The mortgage company now have 8 weeks to reply. I have since had my house valued by 2 estate agents and it has been valued at £165k and £160k. I know surveyors generally value less than an estate agent but £143 is a joke. Please help.... Thanks Vicki:-(
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