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Found 1 result

  1. I was involved in an RTA with another vehicle August 2012. I was insured fully comprehensive but this policy only provided for third party claims cover for the trailer and its contents which I was towing at the time of the accident. The trailer and contents were not otherwise insured (foolish me). The trailer and its contents were substantially damaged with repair costs estimated in the region of £5-10K. My towing vehicle has been repaired under my insurance with my insurer recommending settling liability at 50/50 between myself and the other party. There were no witnesses. I rejected this proposal (trailer was hit in the rear after a lane change) because I believed it would jeopardise my chances of a successful claim for my uninsured losses. 6 months on after lengthy correspondence and an independent accident investigation arranged by my insurer, their recommendation remains the same, accept 50/50 liability. Since to take this further would involve the courts and, despite my protestations the accident was entirely the other driver's fault, I'm pretty sure there will be some detail in all the papers and statements that will indicate my driving was less than 100% perfect (whose is?) and we will be back to 50/50. So, as far as trying to keep a clean accident claims record, its probably time to give up and accept the insurer recommendation. But, and having set the scene, there is still the damage to my trailer and contents to consider. Now, since both parties insurer's seem set on a 50/50 allocation of liability, how does that sit with my being able to claim for 50% of my insured losses? And who do I take on - third parties insurer, third party through small claims, court, both? So far, and since I have expected throughout that the other party insurer would eventually accept liability, I haven't pursued the issue of uninsured losses other than to write to both third party and his insurer on the day after the accident that I held them liable. Any advice in this regard would be really appreciated as would any need I have for legal advice and my chances of success. I'm going to end up out of pocket regardless, but getting back half of that loss would be something. Also any thoughts on how I might have handled he whole thing better. I'm 7 months on, its been a lot of aggravation, and I still have a damaged trailer and its contents sat here doing nothing.
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