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Found 3 results

  1. Hi I received a summons yesterday about Council tax, how Ever im on a suspened scentance, am i likley to go To prison, the hearing is. For a liability order
  2. Hi I was just wondering if a SPO is granted and then the mortgage company sold the mortgage to another company would that SPO still be valid or would the new mortgage company need to apply for a new one. Many thanks
  3. Hi I'm at my wits end. Got a suspended repo order on my house. Now had my house on the market......sale was close to completion, but the buyer has pulled out. I didn't pay my payments for the last couple of months thinking that my house was due to be sold. Now I'm worried that I'm going to be evicted and lose my house. Got 4 young children and don't know what to do. The mortgage is with GE Money and I've had loads of interest added onto the account. I've complained to Ombudsman who said they would write to GE Money.....but GE haven't received any thing from them. Please help. I'm not working due to being made redundant....have looked for work but as yet nothing. Thanks for your advice.
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