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Found 1 result

  1. I bought some Hair Straighteners from Boots on Sunday. they were in a sealed box and I couldn't view the product until I had purchased them and opened the box. These were in a sealed cellophane wrapping which stated that "Please do not open this bag is you do not intend to keep the product inside." I still was unable to examine the quality of them without taking them out the bag. Once out of the bag I found these to be of quite poor quality and have 3 buttons along the length of the handle which you are continually pressing against your hand whilst using. These 3 buttons change the temperature or turn the straighteners on and off. This is very annoying. I haven't yet used these but know that these are not suitable. Am I within my rights to return them bearing in mind that I was not in a position to examine them properly before committing to the purchase?
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