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Found 1 result

  1. Hullo Caggers I'm ex BR and have been for a couple of years now. I'm very careful with my credit score and how its affected. However, I do need some advice. Every so often I check my credit score - Experian loves me - Equifax seems to hate me (Any reason for that?? ) The last time I checked my credit score on Equifax - it was 337. 3 Months later and It's dropped to 279 and there are a few strange things... I shall post a few screen shots in hope that one of you amazing folks can shed some light!! I have no extra credit taken out Same bank account No searches No OD No Bank charges I was BR 11/11/09 and Discharged 1 year later. My BR payments also stopped early. A loan from Lloyds TSB is making a massive impact on my score. It says I've defaulted by £3.5k and the wording in the warnings - seems to suggest that I still owe it - or at least thats what it seems to suggest to me and other lenders. The loan from Welcome was included in my bankruptcy - but shows as settled?? Can anyone offer some advice on this?? Thanks in Advance
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