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Found 1 result

  1. Not sure this is the right sub group, couldn't find a sub group for potential [problem]s. I say they are pyramid/ponzi scheme ......, my friend thinks they are not. Their whole business seems to be based on pay a yearly membership of £650 for some emotional mentoring and some free webinars and creating a feminine network. Then pay some more; £15,000-20,000 to become a group director and make money by starting your own group and get members for £650 each/per year. There seems to be NO products or services to be sold in lieu of memberships so members seems to be the only way of recouping your investment, which is what a legal MLM would have. This to me really screams pyramid/ponzi scheme and not legit MLM. Also weirdly there are NO reviews about them at all, nothing despite running since 2007/2008ish. The only things written about them are directly on their own websites or paid up members and directors own websites. I suspect they work hard on removing negative stuff about them. And for supposedly being good at network having no comments on their YouTube videos and other sites to me says that if nothing else they are rubbish at their main job of networking. All this makes me suspicious. I would love your advice, input and views on this. My aim is to help a friend avoid a dodgy scheme.
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