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  1. Hope someone can help with this? I have lived in my house since 1976. Never had a demand for this rent until now. The demand from Linder Myers Solicitors says made payable by a conveyance dated 6th December 1898. Executors of Mrs Marjorie Wilkinson Dodd Rent owner under a conveyance of 24-12-1990 I own the Freehold which I purchased in 2001 so I don't pay any Ground Rent and I know this is a separate charge. On the document from the Land Registry under Charges Register it states:- 1.The land in this title is with other land subject to a perpetual yearly rent charge of £27.14s .0d created by a Conveyance dated 6 December 1898 made between (1) Mabel Newton Taylor and (2) Thomas Whitehead. The said Deed also contains covenants. NOTE: Abstract filed under LA127521. By the Conveyance dated 22 November 1933 referred to below the land conveyed was informally exonerated from this rent charge. 2. (24.04.1986) LEASE dated 10 May 1929 for 999 years from 10 May 1929. Note : Lesee's title registered under under GM94593. 3. The land in this title with other land is subject to a perpetual yearly rent charge of £8 created by a Conveyance dated 22 November 1933 made between !9 Joseph Warburton and William Albert Downs. The said Deed also contains covenants. NOTE: Copy filed under GM408242 There is no mention of conveyance dated 24-12-1990. Bit long winded I know but any advice appreciated Also they are claiming arrears from 2012 to date
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