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  1. I don't know if anyone has seen Parking Prankster's blog showing a court transcript concerning Parking Eye:- http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/parkingeye-v-clarke-transcript-donated.html It makes interesting reading, especially this part:- "At the moment, as it seems to me, we have a rather bizarre situation where the present Claimants [ParkingEye] make no money apparently from those who comply with the terms of the contract (unless they receive a fee from their principals) and make their profit...from those who are in breach of their contract. Well, that cannot be right, that is nonsense it seems to me." "They have not satisfied this Court that they have suffered any loss from the breach of contract. If anything, they make a profit from the breach." "The Claimants here have shown that, if they are entitled to pursue it, they are pursuing a claim for their own profit, as opposed to quantifying a breach and loss which this has caused them" "So in these circumstance I dismiss the claim" Read and enjoy!
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