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Found 1 result

  1. Hi, I have a small problem with the swimming pool: I enrolled my daughter for swimming lessons and all was well for about 6 months. Eventually she moved up to stage 3 but after a few lessons her new swimming teacher decided she should go back to stage 2 (Daft ASA classification insists on perfect strokes and a variety of them too but that's another story). Apart from the humiliation I wasn't too impressed with the handling of the matter so I cancelled the lessons. Since we pay in advance the pool owes me 2 months. I asked whether I could use the balance for something else but they said no, "money paid is not refundable or transferrable". My issue is that since stage 2 is too easy and stage 3 too advanced their services do not suit anymore. All they offered is to freeze my membership for a month which is no use whatsoever. The terms and conditions do not say anything about refunds or transfers so some consumer law should apply. There is also the small matter of a lesson cancelled by the pool due to lack of teacher where, according to their terms, they should have offered me lesson free of charge which of course never happened. It takes two days to get an email reply from some daft woman and the receptionists are equally daft and have no decisional power anyway. It is not a lot of money but I HATE being fobbed off! Any idea where I stand and what can I do about it? Thanks
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