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Found 2 results

  1. Hi everyone, Someone has done a bet for in my name without my permission. It happened few months ago,Barclays has informed me that they will not refund my £500 bet because I have broken card use act by someone using my card number. I have had the case reviewed by the fsa,they say that they favour the bank,but will review case again if i can gain more evidence. The ip add that was used was different location to my address,my card has been with me in my wallet at all times I have wrote my card details in my dairy that i keep in my bedroom,but in my diary it doesn't say what them numbers are. I don't write my pin number in my dairy,so i havn't broke debit card use terms. Also if the bet had been won the bet could have been withdrawn by different means by emailing different details. I keep my card number safe because when you phone the bank that's the 1st details they ask for. I have informed police,but they say the bank has to investigate it. I canceled my card,got new one. Also the locacation that bet was made i did leave my username and password on remember me. I don't know how they got card number ? I don't share that with anyone. I hope someone can help. Just had phone call off ladbrokes saying that the bank will need to refund you. I was stupid leaving my username and password on remember me ,but if I can prove that I didn't break the terms and connditions of debit card use I should get my money back. After talking to loads of people, they informed that banks have start to blame the.customer for letting their detais fall to someone else. Please help I have started to accuse my family. What can i do ?
  2. Hi to Everyone. I wonder if you can help me. On 2006 on Dec 6th someone placed a bet of £1000 on criket match. I only noticed on the 25th Jan 2007 when I contacted Ladbrokes to report fraud,went to the Police to get a crime ref number,changed my bank card. I thought everything was sorted out,but this year I was advised that £1000 wasn't refunded back to me. So I had it investgated,got a refund of £25 for poor customer service for not getting the fraud investgation done. When investgated it they advised it was different IP address used,not the same ip address of the address I was with my partner,but they informed me that they wouldn't refund me because someone must have had my card to set up the bet. So I have passed it to the FSA,but waiting for the fsa advisor to get Barclays to explain their selfs. What else can I do ? I have had my partner has witness to prove that I wasn't at the place where the bet was made,the ip address number different to prove it. I will be looking forward for some help. Thanks
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