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  1. I hope you can help! We asked a chap and his band to play a ceilidh at our wedding in 2011 and, long story short, he managed to extract more money from us than he should have and didn't fulfill his contract. We went through the small claims process and have a CCJ against him for approx £740, but he as never paid (and so I assume more interest has accrued?). We engaged a debt recovery agency, who also failed to collect any money (more money down the drain). As he lives near Glasgow, we now want to transfer the CCJ and register it in Scotland so that we can use local sheriffs/messenger-at-arms. However, we are debating whether to raise this and obtain a High Court writ, but I can't establish if this is valid or holds more weight in Scotland, like it does in England. It's also difficult to get a straight answer on how to transfer the CCJ to the Scottish register. So, I think the questions I have are: * How do you transfer a CCJ to Scotland? * What forms are required? * Who generates the forms - me or the local court (Barnet County Court, in this case) * Is it worth trying to get a High Court writ before transferring, or after? * Will we still have to pay more good money to sheriffs/messengers-at-arms in order to chase our money? This, obviously, has left a stain on our memory of our wedding (as my wife keeps reminding me) - we only want our money back and for him to learn that he can't rip people off and get away with it, particularly when it comes to wedding gigs! Any advice will be appreciated.
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