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  1. Well i have never seen anything like it. I have been watching the weather models like a hawk.For a week or so. Not one of them is sure what is going to happen. I watched one weather presenter very experienced guy,even say so on the BBC. However one thing seems to becoming clearer,it is not going to be like last year.All the Atlantic storms rolling in one after another. This could be a winter to remember. I enjoy the storms as being a beachcomber this is when i collect many things from the shoreline. But understand it is hell for others. Latest is that we could have a winter like we have not had for quite a while. But this is just beginning to surface far away from our shores. Amazing what can affect our tiny island. The weather models at the moment are very good entertainment. So what else is there to say. Well i have bought a sleigh and a snow shovel.And put a small bet on snow for Christmas. Also have my barbecue and leopard skin bikini nearby just in case. What do you think is going to happen this winter. This is where i hang out in winter just in case you want to check things out. If you are a weather lover read a few pages back,perhaps a week if you have time,strap yourself in and enjoy the banter. And the weather models.A right old battle taking place. Check out how disappointed some get when the cold suggestions evaporate but then get excited as things change again. https://www.netweather.tv/forum/topic/86580-model-output-discussions-06z-041116/?page=176
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