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Found 2 results

  1. Scottish Power are demanding half the balance of £1125.70 that I owe or they will come and fit a prepayment meter in my home, with force aparently. I have already paid them £25.70 and offered them £250 today and said I would pay £300 on 07/11/12 however they have turned around and refused unless I pay them £550. Surely as I am willing to clear the debt quite quickly they would just accept that payment and stop their plans. They have told me to "be home" on Thursday. But won't tell me what time and we are in work all day. I live in an apartment block and don't know where our meter is, it is not within the apartment so if they break in the door they would just be causing damage with no purpose. Please help!
  2. Trying to keep a long story short (7 years long!). Atlantic Electricity - I was paying £100 a month, they demand £200 a month. I increased to £135 a month which is the most I can afford but they are demanding £200 or else "regrettably our collections procedure will continue". What can they do if I only pay the £135 a month. 7 years of hell - more than 2 years without a bill even with meters being read and when eventually received 4 years ago there were many thousands of pounds of overcharging (partly due to economy 7 nightime rate being charged at full rate). 4 years of stress and fighting they eventually gave me a "correct" bill for £3500 outstanding. I still complained that my £100 per annum loyalty discount had not been applied. Yet again they went thru my bill and still found errors amounting to a further £2000 thus reducing it to £1600. This years loyalty discount still had not been applied so I pointed this out and suggested that they wipe off all of the oustanding amount to compensate me for the stress I encountered over that last 7 years from them. They replied ". As we have already cleared a total of £2026.08, we feel this is adequate for the errors made." (they reduced the bill by the amount that they should not have charged in the first place!) Always by DD, I was paying £100 a month. They attempted to take £400 a month so I cancelled the DD. I increased to £135 a month manual payment but they are still insisting on £200 for 4 years. I am a pensioner disabled with COPD and live on £89.57 a week state pension plus a small private pension of £30 a week. £200 a month for 4 years is impossible to acheive. If I continue to just pay £135 what can they do to me? I suggested that they take me to court becasue I believe that a court would set a fairer amount but they ignore my suggestion and simply say "our collections procedure will continue" which doesn't tell me much. Can they cut me off (especially at wintertime) or can they simply go to court? Theres more, much more - including lots of lies from them - but this posting is long enough already.
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