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Found 3 results

  1. Evening everyone, I recently purchased a 10 year old car for around £2-4000 below asking price. Also secured a 3 year warranty. All good. Drove it away and a 'Check Engine' light came on. Took it back and they plugged it in, fuel pump issue. Replaced that. Light still on - turbo issue. Took it too a garage, needs a new turbo costing £1800. As it's only one of them, the garage, under the Consumer Protection Act, will pay for it. Cool. Although, advised by the garage that if you replace one, you should replace both. Due to the, apparently, small profit margin, they are not willing to pay the additional cost and have asked me if I'm willing to pay £1000 towards it for the two turbos. My warranty covers everything that is not serviceable and no issues that were present at point of sale. But at the moment we are still in the 30 day period covered by the CPA. I can say 'No' to paying £1000 for both repairs as if/ when the second turbo goes, it will be covered by the warranty. They did say that they would pay for one to be fixed and I understand the reasons it makes sense to get two replaced. However, it appears that they are trying to perform preventative maintenance i.e. the second turbo that might go wrong, at my expense. The second one does not legally have to be replaced as at the moment it's working fine. It *might* cost money in the future, which will be covered under the warranty. Which, I guess they're trying to avoid. My thoughts are to go back to them and say I just want what is currently wrong fixed, i.e. the one turbo they said they'd pay for. Can they turn around and rescind the deal if they anticipate paying more out under the warranty? Everything else has gone through, finance, insurance, tax etc. This is the only issue. To distill, within the period covered by the Consumer Protection Act, can the vendor choose to take back a vehicle purely because they think it might cost them more under the warranty? Many thanks for any advice received. ML
  2. Hi, I need some advice Please! I have joinedEquifax and run myself a Credit Report. The Credit Report came back with two problems. 1. Iam currently not on the Electoral Roll. Very easy to fix with the council. 2. A“Date Last Delinquent” on my mortgagefor earlier this year. The problemis the “Date Last Delinquent” has just lost me my dream job! I contacted the bank about this “Date Last Delinquent” entry as I was unawareof a default on my mortgage. I have a Virgin One Account which they cap at aset time of year. At the cap time I amsupposed to have paid enough money to cover the years caped amount. Well lastyear was tuff work wise and we came to an agreement based on my work load thatwe would catch up by April this year. I am a contractor and I had two contractscancelled on me at the start of the year. So I could not meet the deadline of April.I contacted the bank and extended the facility to give me more time to get upto date. I am now currently a year in advance of my payment schedule. I never missed a monthly Mortgage payment and had an arrangement with thebank. But they have told me that because the money was outstanding for over xxdays they report this as a “Date Last Delinquent”. Can I get this removed? How do I get it removed? This really lost me my dream job I am gutted. Designtime
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