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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I was wondering if anybody can help. My friend was stopped by the police yesterday and has been fined £300 and received 6 points in his licence for driving a friends car. He was under the belief he was covered third party through his own insurance policy with Enterprise Insurance. This was a genuine, honest mistake and I too, until now, have never heard of the DOC clause in insurance policies. I've done some research and it appears this clause has been brought in quietly over the years by insurance companies? My questions is, has anybody ever successfully challenged this clause, and successfully won, thus setting a precedent? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated as it appears many thousands of people have been caught out by this relatively unknown clause. Thank you.
  2. Hi all, not sure if anyone's seen this before but this 145 page document appears to be a Provident Investor Day document. I discovered this whilst googling for some information about our favourite money lender. It's dated 2011 but the information is still relevant as it relates to their procedures Of note is how they define you, ie the Vanquis customer. Also p78 onwards details their debt collection timescale/procedure. It sets out what they do & when and when they escalate impaired debts. Makes interesting reading.
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